Chapter 23: Hangout Part 3

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Mitsuki pov

"He got you that?" Teresa pointed on the plushie.

"I know, cool right?"

"Did he get possess or something, or you bribed him into this?" Chris smirked.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

"Hey baby girl, what type of soup do you want?" Zach asked me.

"What do I look like? 5? Of course Kimchi soup!"

"What?! No! I hate spices!" Cried Chris.

"Then I'll order a separate soup." Said Zach.

"Thanks, Zach." Chris smiled.

"No problem."

So we're currently in a Japanese Steamboat Buffet restaurant. Zach booked us two separate tables next to each other. My gang in one table and the Kibutsujis took the other one.

That's the thing about Zach, he plans out everything, which is awesome hanging out with him cause he knows what I like. Besides, both of us are almost the same. We hate shopping for clothes, we hate bratty girls, we hate being dragged around in the mall and more.

"Stop poking the prawn. That poor thing is already dead but you're still making it more miserable." Teresa slapped Alvin's hand.

"You're just being pushy." Alvin snarled.

"Here, have some." Zach placed a piece of meat on my plate.

"Thanks, babe." I kissed his cheek.

"Eww, no. You guys are the definition of disgust." Chris rolled her eyes.

"Well, I think they're cute." Alvin protest.

"Thanks, dude." Zach gave him a fist bump.

"No problem, man." Alvin replied.


Muzan pov

Childish was what I would describe every one of them, and don't get me started on the couple, such an eyesore.

"Here baby girl." Zachary fed her a spoonful of steam eggs.

"Hmm, thanks, babe." She licked her lips then kissed his cheek.

What did I tell you, an eyesore. Can't she eat by herself? For goodness sake, she's not a baby.

"Here, open your mouth dear." Rei-san did the same thing.

I just stared at her then lowered my head to continue reading the reports that were just sent a few hours ago on my phone.

Yes, I have a phone, but I hardly use it. It doesn't have anyone's number, only my upper-moons. It's used on work stuff. My employees would just post their reports and assignments here.

Rei-san looked very disappointed but I couldn't care less. Then the most unexpected thing happens.

Miki came over and fed a spoonful of rice for her, and Rei-san gladly accepts it. Her smile is back again, but I received a glare from the brown-headed girl. I just shrugged it off and continue with my work.

"Tsukihiko-san, you're not eating?" Asked Christina.

"He doesn't like steamboat." Rei-san answered for me.

Wrong, I just don't like eating human food.

"Who on earth doesn't like steamboat?" Christina asked in astonishment.

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