Chapter 56: Displeased

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"Fuck you! Xiăng Zháo Si A?! (Do you wish to die?!) If you want to go out, at least wear something to cover up the horror!" I looked away in disgust.

"It's shorts!" Alvin exclaimed.

"Yeah and I can see your hairy legs!" I gagged.

"Now you're just being overly dramatic." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, guys- Oof fuck! What the heck are you wearing?!" Teresa shouted.

"Its just shorts! Why are you guys overreacting about?!" He yelled as his face turned bright red.

"Take it off! My eyes are burning!" Teresa yelled.

"What do you want me to change?! An underwater?!" He rolled his eyes.

"No, but at least have some dignity in you." I laughed.

"Ugh! You guys are being real haters lately!" He scoffed.

"Well would you excuse me, I have to put soap into my eyeballs to wash That off me." I pointed at Alvin and left with my skin crawled up.

"Hey, wait for me!" Teresa jogged beside me.

"Shh, listen to this!" I blasted the music from the television. (The song is above)


"Shut it off, it's early in the morning and it's disturbing."

We turned our heads and I growled at Tsukihiko who was fixing his tie. His face was grimly staring right at me, but then he turned away.

What's his problem?!


"Miki! Why would you blow up your money on whipped cream?!" Teresa came barging into the living room, shouting.

Well, that's embarrassing, everyone was presence, even Tsukihiko who was reading the newspaper with his legs crossed. He looked up from his newspaper and stared at me with a frown on his face.

"Um, yeah cause it's Awesome!" I smirked.

"How is this Awesome?! Do you know how bad is this for your health?!" She held one out and scolded me.

"Nope, and I don't give a shit!" I took it from her hands and shook the whipped cream bottle before spraying it inside my mouth.

"Seriously?! That's why you bought them? To eat it like this?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yo, MK! Don't have the fun all to yourself!" Alvin shouted and I passed him the whipped cream and he did the same thing I did.

"Ugh, that's not how you eat whipped cream." Tsukihiko rolled his eyes.

"Oh really?! You don't say, Einstein?!" I spat.

"He's right and give me that!" Teresa grabbed the whipped cream away.

"Aww, no fun." I pouted.

"Shut up!" Teresa glared.

"Who wants to watch Netflix for the rest of the day?!" Alvin smirked.

Oh, count me in.


"Hey, Koku!" I got off my bike and took off my helmet.

"Mitsuko, I see that you're wearing your mask." He greeted.

"So, where is he?" I looked around.

"Embrace yourselves. Nakime."

Then I unexpectedly heard a biwa sound and suddenly the ground turned into a deep and hollow hole and we fell and the last thing I saw was darkness before my mind completely shut off.


"Get up."

A cold but yet familiar voice snapped me awake as I squeezed my eyes opened and found myself lying on a floor on a tatami mat.

"Ugh, where am I?" I sat up and scratched the back of my head. I must have hit my head hard cause it hurts.

I looked around in confusion as I seemed to be in some sort of room full of ancient Japanese culture, like sliding doors and a tatami mat. I realised I'm still wearing Converse! It was a wide room, but it's empty, except for a huge throne sitting proudly in the middle of the room. The throne was huge as it was designed with black skulls and thorns with golden stems. I was amazed by the beauty of it, and especially the woman sitting on it.

She had an elegant vibe around her as her face was pale white and her plum red eyes seemed to stare down deadly towards me. Her expression was cold but stern and menacing like she's the ruthless ruler who brings fear upon others. Two strands of black curled hair fall beside her face and the others were tied into a tidy huge bun. Her black kimono was astoundingly exquisite as it was embroidered with different types of flowers.

Wow, who is this woman? Why do I feel like she's more superior than me?!

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Wow, who is this woman? Why do I feel like she's more superior than me?!

"Mitsuko, get up."

I turned my head aside to see Koku glaring at me with his six eyes. I reluctantly stood up and stared at that woman.

"First time meeting her and I already dislike her attitude." The woman snarled.

"Muzan-sama, please give her a chance. I'm sure she's just shocked due to her little human mind." He bowed.

Muzan? That woman is Muzan?! Wait, I thought Muzan is a man! Is he disguising?! Probably since his voice sounded like a guy, but I felt like I have heard him before somewhere. So familiar...

"Fine, please show our guest how we demons belong around here." He or she ordered and the door slid opened to reveal five demons, including the pot one and the woman who have escaped from me! Then there's Douma and two more I have never seen before.

Oh boy

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