Chapter 59: Avoid

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"You are so reckless!" Teresa scolded as she pulled out one of the thorns from my torso.

"Ouch! Can't be any more gentle than this?!" I shouted.

"Says the girl who can't keep her life on the track!" Teresa snarled and pulled out another huge thorn.

"Ouch! Be careful! That hurts!" I flinched.

"Can't believe Tsukihiko is Muzan all along. Well, at least he's also shocked that you're... You!"

"Jeez, thanks for the reminder." I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically.

"So what we are you going to do about it?" She asked as she wiped the blood off her hands.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Excuse me?" She snapped.

"Like I said, nothing." I shrugged.

"You can't say nothing! What about all the bloodshed, revenge and war?! The enemy is in our grasp and you can't just let them destroy us!" Teresa exclaimed.

"I-I'll think about this! For the meantime, just lay low and avoid any contact." I huffed.

"You-You have something going on in there." Teresa pointed my forehead.

"No, I don't."

"Oh. My. Gosh. Don't tell me you're in love with him?!" Teresa gasped.

I blinked and facepalmed. Why would she even think that?!

"No, why would I like him?!" I rubbed my forehead with irritation.

"Because you guys spend a lot of time together and it happens that maybe you fell for him." She shrugged.

"I'm just going to pretend you never said that so I won't skin you alive and carve you up." I said with a devilish smile.

"Okay, I guess I should go and leave you to your messed up emotions for a guy." She raised her hand and step away.

Yeah, right. Me, in love with Tsuki-, I mean Muzan is like a dog falling in love with a cat, and that's illogical!


"So, any questions?" Asked Tsukihi-, I mean Muzan.

Nobody answered or raised their hands in the meeting, even I tried to shift my gaze away from him whenever he looks at me, but in a blink of an eye, he looked away.

"Good. So there will be a few changes around here and please, later on, redo this whole slide and report and sent it to me when it's done." He nodded at the presenter who was too dumbfounded to speak cause he got schooled!

"Then we're done for today's meeting." He smiled and everyone got up and packed up their things.

"Later file up everything and sent it to me." He walked over to his secretary who was just sitting beside me and whispered in his ear.

I looked away and continued packing my things. Then when l turned around, l saw Zach waiting for me outside with his hands in his pockets and leaning across the glass wall. He saw me turned and he happily waved at me, I waved back with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" I walked up to him and asked

"Hmm, thought you want me to take you out for dinner after my rehearsal." He smirked.

"Dinner? I thought you'd be at home taking care of Chris." I raised an eyebrow.

"I have work and besides, what's wrong with treating you for a friendly dinner since we're friends." He shrugged.

"Nothing. Sure, why not." I smiled.

"Then come on, I booked us VIP seats and green tea ice-cream." He smirked.

"You aren't putting Wasabi in it like the last time I pranked Alvin, are you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, do you think that lowly of me?"

"Yes, pretty much." I nodded.

"Okay, that just proves I need to add a double scoop to your ice-cream."

"No thanks, it might have your cum on it." I licked my lips.

"I wonder how it gets there?" He smirked.

"Don't test me, Sherlock. I can make it happen at any time."

We laughed as he walked towards the elevator, joking around about the good old days, but I didn't know there was a pair of jealousy glowing red eyes glaring daggers behind us.


"Bye Zach. Dinner was great." I smiled and hugged him.

"You can open up your present now." He smirked and pointed at the wrapped box he gave me during dinner and told me to better open it when we get home.

I smiled and opened it. Guess What?

It's a vibrating dildo.

"Aww, what's this? Someone has been fucking their own asshole this whole time." I laughed.

"Eww no. I don't do that." He gagged.

"Well, I can help you." I smirked and switched it on as it vibrates and wriggles.

"I have forgotten the level of your perverted mind." He sighed in amusement.

"Nice, maybe next time I can get you a butt plug. I can order you to wear it the whole day for me." I smirked.

"Fuck you! That's for guys who dominate girls, not the other way around." His face scrunched up with disgust.

"Aww, what's wrong? Don't like me to dominate you?" I plucked my lips and gave him a babyface.


"I know my gay stuff so don't test me." I warned while smirking.

"Right, and I'm slowly backing away." He raised his hands up and backs away.

"Haha! I love a good scare!" I laughed before waving goodbye at him.

I switched the thing off and turned the doorknob. I walked in and handed Sebastian my jacket. I can see his eyes wandered on that thing on my hand and his face was full of questions marks.

"For the record, my ex gave me this." I said.

"Really? What did you do? Had sex with your sister's man?" I looked up and saw Teresa glaring at me.

"Eww, you saw us?"

"Yeah, talking about sex!" She scowled.

"Tch, talk about a stalker." I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, I know they're not official yet but-"

"It's just a normal dinner. Nothing happened, no sex or touching each other or kissing. Don't overreact over something like this." I scoffed.

"Whatever, but Muzan seems very mad when he got home. You should go check up on him." She said.

"Why me? Why not you or somebody else?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because he's Muzan, your first love. You can avoid him now but you can't avoid him forever." She sighed.

"Ugh, fine." I rolled my eyes.

I walked towards my room and changed into something comfortable, a black lacy V-neck dress with short sleeves. Then something caught my eye, my music box. I grabbed it and examine it as memories came flowing back to me. I opened up a small compartment and there it was, my necklace that Muzan gave me...

I turned to the back and my name was craved on it. I smiled and placed a small kiss of good luck, cause I'm scared I'm never coming back alive tonight.

Who knows?

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