Chapter 94: Crushing My Life

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"You can do it! Just tell him and it will be all over!" I mumbled to myself as I paced around in my room.

It's dark now, Muzan's home, cooped up in his study room as usual. I gathered up my courage and walked towards his room. I reluctantly knocked on his door.

"Come in."


"Hi." I waved awkwardly. We haven't been talking since the break-up.

"What do you want?" He looked up at me.

"This may be shocking to you so I am going to warn you to prepare yourself." I sighed and he nodded.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out, squeezing my eyes shut, refusing to see his reaction.

A minute of silence without any of us speaking, I peeked through my eyelashes and saw his lips parted slightly as he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Is it mine?" He asked.

I can't believe it!

"Oh no! It's not yours. Yeah, I have to go through all that trouble of thinking how to tell the father from the fucking morning when he's at work. What the hell do you think I am standing here for?!" I said sarcastically before yelling at him.

He frowned even more as his plum red eyes stared at me deeply. Why is he looking at me like that? Isn't he happy?

He pulled out the drawer and took out a huge pile of cash and placed it right in front of me.

"Get rid of it."

This got to be some kind of sick joke!

"You can't be serious?" My jaw dropped.

"Did I not look serious enough for you, or the money isn't enough?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No! What makes you think I'm getting an abortion?!" I screamed.

"Because you are not having the baby. I don't want it." He snapped.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" I shouted.

"We've broken up. Who knows you're lying to me, saying that thing is mine. Clearly, you love the exhilarating feeling of a dick banging inside you." He scoffed.

Are you fucking serious?!

"Is that how you always look at me?! A slut who's always spreading their legs to men? Do you think that lowly of me?!" I screamed.

"Fuck you! I haven't been fooling around after I met you! I love you, and you're the only I've slept with since the day you set that fucking no sex rule!"

"Even if it's mine, I still don't want it." He rolled his eyes.

"What happened to you?! You used to love me and said we would make a lovely family together! I thought you wanted this?!"

"I do, but we are over already, so it doesn't matter. Even how bad or cruel you may be, you're still soft, naive and pathetic. I didn't realise it until we broke up and I'm glad we did."

My heart shattered into a million little piece.

"Get out," I growled as tears uncontrollably rolled off my cheeks.

"Gladly. I am going back to Japan the day next. I hope we won't see each other again." He nodded and stood up, shoving past me as he left the room, without looking back.

I broke down into tears as I gently rubbing my womb in circles.

"Don't worry, if daddy doesn't want you, you still have me. My child, always remember mommy will love you until her last breath."

The End

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