Ch. 34

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Y/n shifted as Ancil sat on the edge of the bed. "Mon ami," he whispered, shaking her lightly. She mumbled, opening an eye to look to him.
"Ancil," she mumbled. "Mm...what's wrong?" She hugged onto the blanket, ready for bad news. He pat her arm, looking to the window.
"How do you feel about Connor staying with you?" Both of her eyes opened as she sat up.
"What?" Ancil looked back, concern littered on his face. "Wait, when?" Ancil nodded with a sigh.
"Soon if that's what you want. We want an answer from you first." She looked to her lap, then nodded.
"I kinda...want him to stay," she mumbled, fidgeting slightly. Ancil nodded, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head like a parent.
"I'll go on and tell them." He left her sitting there in silence. She laid back down and shut her eyes. Ancil had stepped off the last step, glancing to the two.
"She wants him to stay." Hank nodded, biding farewell to the two. Ancil showed him to the door, sleepily thanking the lieutenant. After he watched him drive away, Ancil shut the door and sat on the couch. "You can head to her room or the guest room, Connor." The android's led flashed yellow before he gave a nod.
He went up the steps, stopping by the officer's door. He slowly opened it, stopping when he saw her head rise. "Ancil?" He shook his head, stepping it before shutting the door. "Connor," she mumbled, laying her head back down.
"What's wrong, officer?" He scanned over her, seeing that her temperature rose.
"I didn't expect you to be here." He sat on the edge, staring at the window.
"Hank and I brought you back home. Don't you remember?" She shifted, looking up to him. She sat up, sitting beside him with half closed eyes.
"Guess I was too tired to," she mumbled. He had stood up, laying her back into the bed.
"And I assume you still are. You need rest, Y/n." She held his wrist before he pulled away.
"Wait, where will you sleep?" He looked to the door, then back to her.
"Ancil offered up the guest room for me to stay in while I help you." She hummed, grip falling. She hugged the blanket close, nodding.
"Night," she muttered. He stood there a while longer, then left. Once he silently shut the door, he turned to Ancil.
"Guest room is at the bottom of the steps and to the left." Connor gave a nod, led flashing yellow as he took in the info. He went town the steps and entered the empty room. He settled himself, soon shutting down to preserve power.

Ancil had stood in the kitchen, making something over the stove. Y/n was still asleep, meaning he'd have to rush up the steps to retrieve her. He lowered the heat, patting his hands and turning. He jumped, looking down after spotting Connor staring at him. "What are you making, Ancil?" He looked back up to him, sighing.
"You scared me, putain." He shook his head, looking back to the pan. "Pancakes and bacon. Y/n like this breakfast," he muttered, flipping it. "Would you mind getting her?" He glanced back, seeing as the android was heading up the steps. He looked down at the pancake, turning the heat back up so he could get more done.
Connor had stopped at the door, giving a small knock before entering. He stopped, seeing Y/n shift. He then moved to the side of the bed, squatting down to eye level. He grabbed her arm gently and shook. "Wake up, Y/n. Ancil's making you breakfast." She opened her eyes, squinting against the light entering from her window.
Then, she junped up and almost smacked Connor. "Sorry! I smell bacon!" She had scooted of the side of the bed, grabbing Connor's hand and rushing down the steps. "Ancil, morning!" The French male stuck his head from around the corner.
"Bonjour, Y/n. Merci, Connor, I appreciate it." He had set the plates down, looking back to Connor. "Do you even eat, Connor? I made extra in case you do." The android shook his head.
"I don't have the need to eat, but I can." Y/n had looked at him with a small gleam in her eyes.
"You can eat? Ancil-"
"Oui, I heard him, ami. Now, eat your breakfast. I thought about heading out for the park today. Il fait beau," he sighed. Y/n looked to him, a sad cloud covering her eyes. He spoke the way he did when he lost Delaney. She looked to her breakfast, eating a piece of bacon. Then, she shot her gaze up to Connor.
"It is a nice day! Hey, Connor, try this bacon!" She leaned over the table, giving him a piece of her plate. The android shook his head, but soon gave in when she kept asking him to. He had to turn on a few processors, but in the end, he could say he tried the bacon and liked it. "So?"
He gave a small smile and nodded, turning the processors off. "It was a good piece of bacon. I assume because it was made by Ancil." The android shot a glare to Connor before looking back out the window. Y/n looked to Ancil, nodding.
"He makes good food like my mom used to make! Ancil, I'm done!" She hopped up, stumbling slightly before going to the sink. She began to wash her dish, humming to herself. When she finished, she placed the plate in the drying rack and hopped up to Ancil. "Okay, we can go now!" He smiled down at her, nodding to Connor.
"You coming, Connor?" The android's led turned yellow as he scanned the male.

Ancil Durand
Age: 34

The android nodded, following them as they went outside. "Don't follow behind glumly!" Y/n chirped, grabbing his hand. "We're like a small family!" Connor's fan turned on, Ancil laughing lightly.
"I wouldn't say that, mon ami." She nodded, swinging the hand she interlocked with Connor's.

[Oof. I'll be making a better version of this story. Not everything will be the same, but a majority will. Any changes wanted? Please tell me and I'll do it. Alright, enjoy this chapter.]

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