Ch. 26

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     Y/n passed the group, holding onto her wound. Before she could spot them, she heard Markus begin singing. She looked, watching as he stepped forward. She marched forward, hand still on her belly. "Hold on, just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright."
     Y/n smiled, taking a few more steps. The song continued as her vision grew blurry. She could hardly hear the song when she made it. She hugged onto an android, glaring at the soldiers. "Y/n? You're bleeding!" She smiled up at the android, closing her eyes.
     "I'll die with you. I am that percent that represents," she whispered, moving to the front. She was hunched over, blood falling from her lips. She raised her bloody fist, showing the mixture of blue and red. "I will die when they die! If this blood keeps getting spilled, what will we be showing our next generation?! That we are not equals?!" She stumbled forward, almost falling. She was pushing herself, trying to help the deviants. The people she felt most comfortable with.
     "Y/n, you need rest," Markus whispered, holding onto her arm. She smiled to him, then began glaring at the soldiers once more.
     "My blood was drawn because of help! You humans sunk Jericho! Killed androids! One helped me, trying to get me to safety! You broke my escape! Without these deviants, I would be dead! Markus holds more promise in him and his people than the president and you!" The soldiers lowered their guns, listening to the president's orders.
     "Come with us, ma'am. The president gave us orders to help you. We won't hurt these deviants."
     "I will not leave...their...side..." she fell, turning the snow red. Markus fell onto his knees, keeping her head from hitting the ground. He picked her up, looking to each of the soldiers.
     "Show me the place where we can help her," he ordered, following after a lone soldier. The news reporters were taking pictures and shouting for answers. Y/n struggled weakly, only to go back to sleep.

     Markus stood by Connor, North, Simon, and Josh, allowing the humans to look upon them. Y/n had sat away, recovering from her injuries. Her bullet wound had grown irritated, and whenever someone touched it, she screamed in agony. They had to knock her out before they fixed her up. Well, knock out was different then making sure she stayed unconscious.
     Connor and Markus stood by her after their speech, making sure she was okay. But, she never woke up. They took her to the church, laying her on her mattress. Ancil and Lucy stayed by her side, talking silently. But, she still didn't wake up.
      Y/n had been asleep for approximately half a year by now, and everybody that knew her visited. They spoke to her, wishing her well. They saw signs of life. Even a few times they grew excited by the sight of a slight movement. Everyday, her physical form grew better, but her mental was unknown. And so was her emotional.
     Ancil spoke softly, always, just wishing for her to wake up. He had been alone at home, waiting for her to appear. He had stayed there for the next past few weeks, wanting to be by her side always. His only family was slipping away, and he wanted to see her before she did.
     Y/n had heard everything they had said, enjoying every conversation. Then ones that made her cry were the ones from Ancil, Connor, and Markus. She tried waking up, but nothing has happened. The rest of the year flew by, and Spring was coming up again. Ancil had went home to prepare the pups, Markus had went to grab some things for the androids, and Connor stayed by her side with Lucy.
     So far, signs of life had been fading. She wasn't giving up, but she was extremely tired. Connor and Lucy watched as she opened her eyes, excitement coursing through Connor. But, she didn't see anything. She couldn't do anything. She just..laid there.
     Another year passed, and more signs appeared. She was now seeing everyone, and taking in any sight. They took her, in a wheelchair, around to the best sights ever. She enjoyed them, but couldn't show it. By June, she could faintly move. November, she could, sort of, talk to everybody. By December, she was getting used to walking.
     The next year, she had been able to talk and walk, but her mental stability and emotional had deteriorated greatly. She only showed sadness and sometimes emptiness. Her mentality was greatly known. She was always afraid of the deviants. Afraid of everything. Of course, she was afraid, but now, she was petrified.
     Connor tried helping her, but her mind shuts off, and she goes into a short coma out of fear. Y/n had sat by Ancil, looking out at the world. They sat on his porch, drinking tea. Well, Ancil had to help her drink hers. He was currently the one to help her lift objects and become strong again.
     Whenever she spoke to Connor, she always talked of how he, Shane, and her raced and how great it would be to run again. She always thought negatively, and this time was no exception. She looked to Connor, no tear falling. She looked empty and sounded empty. "Will I ever be able to race now?" she mumbled, stuttering.
     Her recovery has been gradual, but it seemed she was lacking in the emotional and mental areas. Whenever Connor told her he loved her, she would only look him in the eyes with her empty ones, and say, "How can one feel love?"
     Josh was teaching her new feelings. Showing her how to express these emotions and how they feel within her. She was growing newer every day. Although, that emptiness stayed. She felt like she was dragging them down every day. Forcing them to help her.
     Connor had to reassure her every day and help her get back on her feet. He had allowed her to run on the treadmill, turning up the difficulty for her whenever she asked for it. Her strength had returned with her speech.
     By winter, she had learned her emotions, learned to have a better mentality, learned to carry things with strength once more, learned to run as fast as she could like in the past, and learned that they all really cared. She could talk, too, but she rarely does so.
     She had pushed away that empty feeling by herself, showing true strength for herself. Although, they don't know if she'll have the same outlook on life like before or if she was going to be more outgoing. Ancil took her out to test that theory, and she was just the same.
     She had grown new, and she had the deviants to thank. Being asleep for years on end, then waking up to nothing was draining. So was the learning. She sat by Ancil, eating f/f. "So, how are you feeling today?"
     "I'm doing good, Ancil," she replied, a cheery tone in her voice. Connor had expressed his love to her more than once, and she returns it with a blush and hiding her face in his chest. She walks with him through the church, practicing her strength in legs like always.
     Markus had watched off on the sidelines, smiling proudly by her confidence and strength. He knew Connor liked her, but didn't know she was torn between both of them on the inside. He spoke with North and Simon, allowing Josh to monitor Y/n and her emotions.
     Maybe this was a dream? Maybe they didn't really win and she was dead with them, by that vehicle. Maybe they did win and when she had fallen, she had died? Maybe, that gunshot wound on her arm was actually the death of her. Maybe, her return to Detroit had killed her. She hadn't done anything but die. Just maybe.

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