Ch. 22

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     Ancil had sat on the sofa, his head in his hands and his leg bouncing anxiously. She hadn't returned home yet, and it seemed like years had gone past before Connor and Hank appeared. He was alone in the silence, allowing his thoughts to grab him and drag him further into the hole of concern. A knock knocked him away from the darkness, and his gaze quickly skimmed to the door, his heart pounding.
     He rushed, opening the door. Hank stood there, his eyes skimming the French boi's face. "Ancil, you look like shit," he stated, quickly taking another sip of his alcoholic beverage.
     "Yeah, and I feel like it," he replied, his voice barely croaking out. Hank stepped in, but the android was missing.
     "Connor had already went to search for her. That fucking android was worried for her safety." Ancil growled, closing the door and plopping back onto the couch. "What happened between her and the fucker?"
     Ancil looked to Hank, sitting straight. "She wanted to help him, just as a return. He helped her a lot. But, as a part of her shyness, he should have known about her and her mood swings!" he shouted, tossing a bottle at the wall. Hank cocked a brow, listening to Ancil's screams.

     Y/n yawned, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. She sat up, listening to the bustle of the androids. She glanced to her left, watching as Lucy spoke with another andorid. She smiled, standing up and stretching. She saw how happy some androids were, which made her feel happier. An android slowly walked up to her, his hand wrapped around his arm. "Hey," he quietly said, gIning her attention. "Markus told me to come and get you."
     The female smiled, nodding slowly. "A-alright," she stuttered, still afraid. She grabbed his hand, smiling. "L-lead me to him," she whispered out, looking forward at the sea of deviants. He took her up the stairs, looking around for the group's leader. She quickly spotted him, dragging the android, unknowingly, to Markus.
     "Hey! Miss!" She snapped her head around, smiling sheepishly.
     "S-sorry. I spotted him, so I...I-"
     "I-it's fine! Go ahead, talk to Markus," he quickly interfered, walking off. She gave a shaky exhale, turning around and heading for the leader. Wonder what he wants...

     Connor was searching the streets, trying to figure out where she would have gone. He thought back to when he told her to stop helping, and how Ancil said something about deviants. He shook his head, scanning the snow once more. Nothing. He looked around, quickly walking up to a convenience store. Maybe she went in there at some point. He might be able to look through the cameras... He stepped through the doors, looking up at the bell when it rang.
     The clerk looked up, then returned to the magazine he was reading. All he thought was that the android had left its owner here by accident. That thought was automatically dispelled when the android stood there, watching him. "Yes? Is there anything I can help you with, robot?" he sneered, robot dripping off his tongue like venom.
     "Hello, I'm Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife. I came her to ask to look through the cameras. A partner of mine has went missing and we need her for the investagation," he informed, his LED flickering yellow while he scanned the clerk.
     "Yeah, okay. I'm sure the manager wouldn't allow an," he looked Connor up and down, a fire rising in his heart. "Android to look through our cameras," he finished, looking back down at the magazine. Connor opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. He nodded, mainly to himself, then walked away. Once he stepped back out into the cold, he looked around for more options.
     What if she did walk into that convenience store? He looked back, struggling to think. He was worried sick about her, and it was clearly written on his face. And the LED. He stored the idea of the convenience store in his database, just in case he couldn't find any more options. He gave another glance around the place, heading to the abandoned house.
     Wouldn't she want to be alone if she ran off? He scanned over everything by the house, not picking up any evidence to her stay. But, just in case, he also stored this place as an option. His LED stayed yellow, showing his confusion and worries. He moved to a laundry mat, stepping in with rushed determination. He scanned everybody, not finding her. He checked with everybody, only gaining sympathetic or angry responses instead.
     Once he was out, he sighed. This feeling of dread overwhelmed him, and he began to grieve a little. What if the deviants got to her? What if she was murdered by an unstable android? He went back to the house, slipping through the gate. The thought of deviants still roamed his head. That was, until he truly remembered what Ancil had said. It clicked in Connor's head when he realized why Ancil was so anxious when she left; for, she was working with deviants. Deviants of all things.
     He slipped back through, running for Ancil's house. Rushing to Hank. To the DPD. He needed to find Jericho. And, maybe, just maybe, she's still alive and kicking.

     Ancil sat the beer down, giving a silent burp. Now, Hank only stayed to keep him company. He was speaking to Ancil, until he started drinking. That blasted French started spurting out things in his own tongue. 'Androids, Blasted! Ces pas de bons morceaux de plastique de junk est en train de ruiner mon Y/n! Oh, gentil Y/n. Elle est juste une petite petite fille. Pourquoi blesser l'innocent, Hank?!' he yelled at one point, slamming his fists against the table and crying silently.
     Hank sighed, leaning back into the couch. Ancil jumped, groggily glancing to the door. There was a loud knock, and he was quite angered by it. Hank stood up, quickly moving to the door. Maybe Y/n was back. Oh, that'd help this fucking French man through...that. Ancil snarled, lifting up the beer and standing up. He swayed, then took another sip. He placed the beverage down, moving to Hank.
     "Qui est-ce, Hank?" Ancil questioned, peeking past his shoulder. As soon as he saw Connor, he pulled at Hank to move. "C'est l'androïde! Laisse moi le tuer!"
     "Hank. I might know where-" Connor was shoved, cutting off his trail of thought. Hank sighed, stepping down the short steps. He helps Connor up, listening to the angry French yells from inside. "Hank, Y/n's with the deviants! And-"
     "She's dead. If she's with deviants, Connor, she's fucking dead," his partner replied, sounding sad and angry.
     "No, Hank, listen, she helped-"
     "Connor! If she helps them it doesn't stop other from fucking taking her life away!" He walked to his car, mumbling to himself. "Get in. Ancil'll be asleep or ranting to himself. You can't go inside unless you want to fucking kill yourself." Connor opened his mouth, then slowly proceeded to the car.
     "I know where she is. She can't be dead." He sat on the seat, closing the door and letting Hank drive him away.
     "Just forget about her, Connor. Forget about her with the deviants. Keep only the good shit about her in your head. She's dead," Hank reminded, sighing sadly to himself.

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