Ch. 21

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Y/n had stopped, looking up at the big ship. She glanced around, lowering her head, and rushing in quickly. Her steps were hard, and they echoed back to her. It scared her, yeah, but she had to push through. She made it, looking at the swarm of android deviants. Some looked up to her, and others had been watching the news. She shook, holding onto herself and stepping into the crowd. Yeah, they accepted her, but some of them...they're new.
She saw a familiar face, running to it as quickly as she could. Which was, according to androids and their speed, pretty fast. She smiled, beaming at the broken and android and its doctor; Lucy. She smiled back, then continued working on the andorid. "What brings you here, Y/n, Helper of Androids?" The h/l, h/c headed female sighed, sitting by her android pal.
"Shane left with Delaney and Ancil..." she trailed off, looking away. Lucy glanced to her, smiling to herself. The android sat up, thanking Lucy and leaving.
"And the crush on the andorid tracking us?" she questioned, looking towards her human friend. Y/n jumped, blushing. When she realized what had happened, that smile was wiped from her face and the blush with it. "Oh? Nothing as it should have been?" Y/n had sighed once more, leaning back.
"He said he loved me...and that he cared, Lucy. But...he also hates me..."
"Does he? Or does he still love you?" Lucy questioned, her voice soothing Y/n by a bit.
"He sounds like he hates me," Y/n whispered, tears slowly finding their way from the dam of her eyes. Lucy hugged her, patting her head.
"You're lost, love. Don't worry about him, you'll find another," she whispered, looking to the group splitting up. Markus was here, along with Josh, North, and Simon. Y/n pulled away, scratching the back of her neck.
"I'm staying here...for a while. I...I ran off. I need some space for a while," Y/n informed, not able to fully sense the four arriving.
"Why did you run?" Markus questioned, looking down at the helpful human. She jumped, spinning around to look at the male.
"I...uh..." she stammered, blushing and hiding her face. Lucy slowly stood, smiling. She knew, didn't she? Y/n feared what might be said, so she turned around and covered her face.
"She ran off because her love with the police android is struggling," the female nurse android informed, nodding her head back to the mentioned female. Markus nodded, walking to the female. He looked back to the others, nodding for them to leave. Once they did, he took a seat, not looking at her, but into the flickering flames.
Before he began, Lucy left, going around and searching for more androids to help patch up. All was silent, which fed into Y/n's anxiety. She flinched when she heard him move slightly. "So, how's your wound?" She looked to him, noticing he was still watching the flames, but he had leaned forward.
"I heard you and Shane speaking of it...before he left," she whispered, trying her best to wipe off the blush. But, it wasn't working. He gave a small chuckle, making her blush deepen.
"How were you able to hear that far?" The female swung her legs over, looking at Markus, then into the dancing fire. She sighed, scratching the back of her neck.
"I've been around animals longer than humans, plus I work with the police. I trained myself to hear far distances. So, I guess that's good?" Markus chuckled to himself once more, looking to her.
"How is the relationship with cop boy?" She blushed, quickly looking away.
"We were never in a relationship. Once he and Shane caught me, he tried calming me down. I shouted, telling him he couldn't care, and that all he knows is the mission," she shakily replied, holding back a few tears. "He told me he cared. He loved me...but, it was a lie. It will always be a lie!" she screamed, hugging herself. Tears poured from her eyes and she turned away once more.
"Y/n. Hey, shh. He's still with his programming. He'll come to his-"
"No! He will never do anything of the sort! Have you met him?!" she yelled, cutting him off. Her arm swung, pointing to nobody. Something began pulling at her chest, and she became worried. But, that growing fear and that endless anger yelled back, wanting her to stick to yelling. "He only relies on the mission!" She lowered herself down, finished and tired. "I knew he didn't care, so why did I believe?"
"You believed because you are good. You want other to be good to you, to help you. Because you're missing that too, huh?" he questioned, reaching out and grabbing her shoulder. Despite her anger and frustrations, she launched at him, hugging him tightly and never wanting to let go. She cried until she fell asleep, smiling and blushing the whole time. Happy and sad tears mingled, and her blush losing its color.

Ancil trudged on, looking around for Y/n. He hoped to follow some tracks, but it seemed that she took her "car to car" method. He groaned inwardly, tired and despaired. He wanted to know if she was fine. How could he let this happen to her? He was a terrible friend, wasn't he? He kicked at the snow angrily, yelling. He watched as his breath mingled with the snow and cold air, anger and sadness mingling inside him.
His head was pounding to the beat of his heart, making him grow dizzy. That car accident had him messed up, so it wasn't the best idea to be out in the cold, at night, and looking for a lost person who might have died. He sighed, turning around. He looked up at a building, then sighed. How he wished to be home, in the warmth, drinking something nice a refreshing and watching as Y/n played with Sir and Alger.
The Frenchman searched on, pacing each strap on his shoulders and pulling out a flashlight from the bottle pockets on the sides. He clicked it on, shining it down every alley he had passed. He sighed, making it seem like the hundredth time, then yawned. People passed, asking him what he was searching for. And, in reply, he always explained the females details. "She's up to my chest, h/l, h/c locks. Dimmed e/c orbs, most likely wearing a f/c sweater. Shies away from people?" And he always gained the same answers.
"Sorry. Haven't seen her."
"Nope, ain't seen her."
"Oh, I apologize, I wasn't paying any attention to anybody."
He was beginning to lose hope. He looked up at Hank's place, then started off to the DPD. He had to ask all her colleagues if they've seen her rush by. If they can reach her. He heard a small bing, them dug through his pockets. His fingers clutched around the familiar chain, making him smile. Her watch. He could contact Hank.
He yanked it out of the warmth, holding it up to where he could see it. "Watch, call Hank," he commanded, listening to the beeps of wait. So, he stood, close to the DPD, waiting for Hank to pick up. But, nothing.
He tried once. Then again. Again. Once more. He gave it another shot. It got to the point where he stood, a quarter of an hour, waiting for help. He growled, frustrated. He looked through the contacts, noticing how lonely she was. There was only four contacts; yet she never used them. Hank, Connor, Delaney, and him. Shane wasn't there, Gavin wasn't there also, and her even Fowler wasn't there.
A tear slid down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. He was careless to not check on her. She's been alone, wanting someone to speak to. He chased away all the people. Everybody who he had a bad feeling about were, aggrivatingly, nice. He made her life a mess. Maybe she should have been taken by that android. She would be happier. Much more people would be in her contacts and she would be speaking to them.
He hovered over Connor's name, then turned the watch off. He didn't want to contact the source of the problem. He repocketed the watch, rushing to the familiar police department. Gavin stood outside, getting ready to enter by the time Ancil appeared. "Frenchy? Aren't you taking care of Y/n? I saw Delaney's car drive past, so where's Y/n?" he demanded, cocking a brow.
"You blasted low life! She's gone missing! She ran since Connor wanted to keep her home!" Gavin flinched at the yell, but kept a straight face.
"Why didn't you say that? Come on, Fowler might know something," Gavin replied, scared for Y/n's sake. He did like her, and didn't want her hurt. Ancil rushed past Gavin, running to the familiar employer of his friend.
"Ancil? Well, what-"
"Have you heard from Y/n?! She's lost!" Fowler cocked a brow, sighing.
"Sadly, I've heard nothing from her. But, I hope you the best. She's a good worker, and I hope she's found. Maybe Gavin or Hank would like to help you?" he suggested, standing up. Before another word was spoken, a loud ring resonated through the thick atmosphere. Ancil dug through his pocket, pulling out the watch.
Sumo was on the screen, Hank's name in bold, grey letters. Ancil let put a breath, hitting the small, green phone icon. "Hey, Y/n. What's wrong, kid?"
"Y/n's gone. She-she went missing and now I can't find her," Ancil said, frantically pacing so he wouldn't knock something over in frantic rage.
"Missing? Ancil, how-"
"Ask that fucking android, Hank! Yes, he wanted her safe, but he said it rudely, and she took it to heart! She's not helping you guys anymore, and I can't find her!" Ancil shouted, grabbing his head, and panting.
"Connor, why the hell would you do that?" Connor's voice came from quite a distance, which was hard for Ancil to hear. "Look, she has to be close, right? After a while, I'll get Connor to help you."
"Connor?! Help me?! I don't want him near her!"
"But he might be the only one to help. Look, don't stress out too much. We don't need her caretaker to...fade away without her." Ancil was stuck. He sighed, nodding slowly.
"Yeah, yeah. Alright, fine. Bye," Ancil growled, hanging up. He pocketed the watch, looking to Fowler. "Let me know if she shows up." Fowler nodded, sitting back at his desk.
"Yeah, I will. Be careful, Ancil," he waved him off, and Ancil waved back.
"Eh," was his only reply. Hopefully she comes back. Hopefully she's alive.

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