Ch. 20

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     Shane stood outside, scrolling through his phone. His blue eyes glowing with the light. He glanced up, hearing the approaching footsteps of a couple. He saw the small form of his sister, then the taller form of that blasted android. He slid the phone into his back pocket, taking his hand through his short, white hair. "What took you guys so long? Honestly, if it was a race, I would have beat you guys fair and square," he muttered, messing with his eyebrow piercing.
     "My ankle hurts, Shane. I sprained it while I was running from you." He scowled, looking her up and down in question. How did she manage to do that? After years of her running about, now she hurts her ankle? She was irratating him worse than his other sister.
     "Yeah, right." He moved inside, leaving the door open for the two. Delaney was going to take him back to the airport so he could go home. Just a day at Detroit, and he was done. All he arrived for anyways was his sibling. He shrugged off his thoughts, leaving the kitchen.
     "Aye, so ye're ready?" Delaney asked, following after. Shane nodded, stopping in the living room. He watched as Connor took of his sister's bandage, seeing that LED turn red. The android grimaced back, making him growl to himself. A fucking android sat there, by his sister, touching her. How he really wanted to grab a hold of him and tear him to bits and pieces.
     The wound was awful. It smelt bad, looked bad, and was just down right infected. Red lingered further past from the wound and blood slowly leaked out. He watched as his sister passed out and how the android struggled to understand why. He huffed to himself, stepping back out into the cold air. He glanced to the side, watching as the bushes rustled and an android stepped out. Markus. "Ah, Shane."
     "Markus, what is it?" Shane questioned, quickly kicking the door shut before Connor heard them speaking.
     "I just came to see how Y/n's doing. She's helping us become more...human, so I want to help her in return," he calmly stated, dusting off leaves from his coat sleeve. Shane slowly nodded, sighing.
      "I see. She's fine. That android cop is in there, patching up her shot wound," he informed, pocketing his hands in his jean pockets.
     "Shot wound? Shouldn't that be healed already?" Markus questioned, thinking back to when they had first met. She was scared, petrified, even. But, she still helped. He smiled faintly, waiting for an answer.
     "She hasn't cleaned it when Delaney and Ancil were gone to fetch me. It's pretty bad. She hasn't slept either, which is probably due to her night terrors," he replied, his blue orbs scanning over the deviant in front of him. Markus nodded, sighing. After a while of informing each other of plenty of their experiences, Shane was off. Markus wished him well, leaving to head back to Jericho.
     Connor shook Y/n awake, informing her on Shane's departure. She yawned, cringing back when she felt her arm sting. "I would lay off of that arm, Y/n. It is in bad shape," he quickly said, taking her arm and gently placing it back by her side. His LED was yellow, but it went back to blue quickly. "I just got a new case. See you later, Y/n. Ancil," he quickly said, lifting himself off the plush, grey sofa. The h/c headed female frowned to herself, standing up.
     "I'm going to," she said, her demanding voice echoing off the walls. The puppies had rushed in, stopping by Connor and Y/n's feet. Sir had looked up at the two, yipping happily.
     "Officer Y/n, I highly recommend you-"
     "I will not be on standby! I help now or I stop helping," she crossed her arms, her face red. She knew she was yelling, but she didn't wanna. She was embarrassed, and upset. But, she wanted to help, she wanted to be of use...not useless. Not again.
     "Then stop helping, Officer Y/n," Connor replied, turning around. She stood there, her chest aching. He didn't spare her a glance, didn't apologize, nothing. She bit her tongue, tears falling. Before he left, she grabbed his arm, making him look at her.
     "Why did you lie, Connor?" her voice cracked, revealing her sadness and anger. He looked back, his LED yellow. She squeezed his arm, quickly pulling back. "Why am I asking? I know you didn't truly care," she whispered, eyeing him. He opened his mouth to say something, but she went to leave the house. "Tell Ancil I'm off friends," she grumbled, running off.
     He felt angry and upset, his LED lighting up red. What did she mean? He did care about her. He didn't want her hurting herself further on this investigation. He wanted her to rest for a while. Why did she snap? Why was she crying? Ancil stepped in, his smile fading. "Where is Y/n? What did you do to mon ami?" Connor spun around, his LED yellow.
     "She told me to tell you she is with her friends," Connor replied, thinking back to the mission. He needs to rush quickly, make it to the scene.
     "Friends? She doesn't-" Ancil cut himself off, his eyes wide. "Connor..did she say where?" The android shook his head, curious. Ancil cursed to himself, grabbing a bag from under the table. That bag was Y/n's, but she left it here. Why would she? "I'm heading off. You head to that scene, understood? We don't need you hurting her anymore," he growled, hurrying after his companion.
     Connor was confused, and completely torn. Not hurt her? But, he didn't do a thing...did he? Should he focus on the mission, or help the one he said he loved? He placed a hand on his chest, unaware of the action. He made up his mind, quickly walking out and looking around.

     He had to do the mission. Hopefully Ancil found her, because if not, they'd surely blame him. It'd be like Romeo and Juliet all over again; forbidden love.

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