Dont touch me (2)

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Jughead P.O.V

“Betty open the door!!! It's me Jughead”

It was the tenth time I was banging on her front door but no response was coming out. I decided to went inside the house. The door was luckly unlocked.

Betts where are you?” I yelled in the house but no answer came.

I ran towards her room and there was no sign of her. He closest were slightly open and most of her clothing were missing.

Did she moved away? No she can't? I will be destroyed without her. She is light of my darkness and I regret everything happened last night. I shouldn't have drink that much to act like a jerk in front of her. She will be thinking I am just like her mother and Jared(ex boyfriend) but I'm not. I respect everything about her. This alcohol made me just like my own father. I am following the same path on which he was ages ago. His drinking made my mom and Jellybean leave and now my drinking problem made my Betty away from me.

I was crying by now. I miss her so much. But I wasn't giving up. I will find her.

2 days later

There is no path, no road, no area in Riverdale where I haven't went. I have quit drinking because that's the main reason my my Betty leave me. I love her. I didn't mean anything I said her that night. I acted like a total jerk. I regret it so much. I wish I didn't started drinking so I haven't ended up here. I miss her so much.

Our little adventure, searching clues on Jason's murder made me more and more victim for her leave. Her phone number was always unreachable. So I didn't had anything or any source to contact her.

I remembered our night out to Dilton's bunker in the woods.

Wait! The bunker!!

The bunker!! I haven't checked there!!” I yelled and ran towards the woods.

I opened it and step down with the help of a ladder. There was light coming from the distance.

“W-Who's is there?” I heard her voice.

B-Betts” I nearly wispered.

That's when I saw her. It seemed like the time stopped between us. She was really there, in front of me. I took a step closer to her but she quickly ran back and hide behind a chair. That's what made my heart broke. My own Betty was scared of me.

W-What are y-you doing here? You shouldn't be here. How did y-you found me?” She sobbed and broke down.

I took few steps closer to her and kneeled beside her.

“Betts I'm sorry. I'm so so  sorry. I acted like a jerk in front of you. But you have to belive me that wasn't me that night. It's was my alcohol. You know I won't hurt you.” I said and placed my hand on her shoulder. She flinched and stood up quickly.

Don't touch me” She yelled.

That broke my heart. I was crying and so she was.

“Betty please let me explain” I sobbed.

“I... I would never ever lay a finger on you. You that how much I love you. I swear I will never drink. I didn't knew that my drinking will take you away from me. Please you have to belive me that I will never hurt you. I know how much you past scares you but I'm not one of them. I regret everything that happened that night. I wished I didn't started at first so we won't ended up here. Please Betty I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that I don't love you. I am so much in love with you. I can't live without you Betts. You are my life. I respect and love you so much. Please Betty I love you and I'm sorry.” I cried.

“Please d-dont l-leave me” I sobbed and broke down. I fell on my knees and started crying.

Seconds later I found hands on my cheeks. I looked up to see her sitting in front of me, on her knees.

“P-Promise me you won't hurt me?” She sobbed.

I shook my head quickly.

“Promise me you will never leave me?” She said.

I promise”

Promise me you always love me?” She said.

I didn't said a word instead I kissed her. Luckily she kissed back.

I promise you.”

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