"Do you even love me?"

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Betty P.O.V

2 weeks, 8 dates and he just blew them off. Ever since Jughead has transferred to South Side high, he is changed. He promised me in the beginning that his leaving won't effect our relationship but I guess he was wrong. It did. And it's hurts really bad to know the person who you love the most isn't giving you time. I was done with his shit. I quickly wore jeans and top and made my way to his trailer.

I knocked on his door and only heard laughing sounds. It felt like he was not alone. The door finally swung open and I was shocked. The person who opened the door was not jug but his fellow serpent, Toni Topez. “Oh Hey Blondie” She said. She crossed her hands over her chest. Jughead came from behind and stood behind her. “Betty, hey what are you doing here?” He asked. His eyes we're telling me that he was happy. But clearly I was not. After seeing her, definitely not.

“Juggie you promised you will hangout with me.” Toni said to Jug using the nickname that I use. I looked at Jughead who was also uncomfortable but all I was thinking about the fact that he promised her and stood on his promise. But what about me? What about all the promises he did to me?

“It's okay Toni. I will leave you guys alone. It's not like the first time he blew me off and choose someone else over me. I guess im used to it. I will leave you guys. ” I said and looked at the guilt look on Jughead's face. But I didn't cared. I turned around hiding my tears and ran away from him. I went to a park and sat on the bench. I cried. I cried to let my pain go away but it wasn't. He again did it. He again blew me off and choose her. Does he don't love me anymore? I was sobbing when I felt someone sat besides me. The figure rubbed my back and I instantly knew who was him.

“Jughead you should go. ” I said in low tune still hurting. “Why? ” He asked. “I want to be with you. ” He added.    

“Want to be with me? Then what happened to you when you just blew off our dates for serpent. You didn't had time for me but had for your friends. Do you have idea how bad my anxiety has gone. You was the only one to settle me down  but this time it was acting just because of you. You promised me but never came. But you promised her and next I find her in you trailer. Wow Jughead. This is not a way and surely not a way to keep running this relationship. ” I snapped at him.

The look of guilt was taking over him. His eyes we're watery. I didn't liked seeing him that but what you accept from me?

“I.. I so so sorry Betty. Im so sorry. I didn't realised how much hurt I have gave to you. I am right now hating myself for doing this to you. I am really guilty Betty. It just having new friends and group distracted me and I know it's stupid excuse but it is. I promise you and real promise that I will do whatever I can but complete all the promises I have made to you. I won't blew off the dates and surely give you my time. Just... Just don't leave me betts.. Please don't leave me. ” He said nearly crying.

Do you even love me? ”  I asked and his head pop up with wide eyes.

“I am so god damn love in with you Betty, forgive me and I will prove to you that you will not cry again because of Me. ” He said and cared my cheeks.

“Okay I forgive you. ” I said with a light smile. He sighted in relief and kissed me. God I missed his lips.

“I missed you. ”

“I missed you too. ” He said.

“I love you. ”

“I love you too Jug”

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