You are perfect

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Jug P.O.V

Isn't it feel strange among boys who have perfect and muscular body than a guy who is thin and just loves to eat. Sometimes he wonder what his girlfriend see in him?

Well these thoughts would have never  came in my mind if Reggie haven't tease me about it.

2 hours ago, we were sitting in biology lab working on some experiments, when teacher announced Reggie as my partner.

He came to sit next to me and started the communication by bringing my girl in it...

“Aren't you and Betty dating? ” He asked while looking at the equipment on the table having no idea what to do with it.

“Yes. Is there any problem in it. ” I said taking it from him and doing my work.

“Yes there is so much problem. ” He said. Like what this guy thinks. What he knows about my relationship.

“Like what? ” I said starring at him.

“You see Jughead. Before you Betty liked Archie and you know why? Probably not. It is because of his muscular body. And look at you, always eating and eating. It will just the time, when she will dump you for a stronger person. ” He said with a evil smile.

“That's not true. She loves me” I said getting frustrated.

“Well then, you should look there” He said pointing at Betty desk. She was partner with Archie. She was smiling and laughing there with Archie.

I got little sad and jealous after seeing it. I turned my face to my laps and stared at the floor.

“See.. You are not good enough for her.” He whispered in my ear when the bell rang. He got up and joined his friends gang.

Seconds later, Betty came to my desk.

“Hey,  let's go for lunch shall we? ” She said with a smile. God I love her smile. What will I do without her.

I nodded and went with her outside.

(Swipe up for next part)

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