Come Back ( Part 2 )

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Jughead P.O.V

It cant be true..

Her feelings were still attached with him then why... Why she came in my life and made me the happiest man alive because I had mine's childhood love but now.. Everything was destroyed. Those fantasies of us being together and happy is destroyed.

"You what" I wasn't able to speak. My heart was pounding faster. My breathing was quickening. " Yes it's true. I don't.. " She was saying but I stopped her. I had enough of her.

"You remember when we kissed at that night for the first time. I said I don't want to be your rebound but it seems like I was. How could you Betty!! You choose him. You fucking know that he cheated on you for what 4 times and yet again you crawl back to him. I was deeply in love with you and what you gave me.. Rejection again and again. If you don't felt anything for me, you could simply told me. We could end our things but no.. You cheated." I screamed. My heart was little lighter now but the hurt was still there. Her eyes we're filled with regret and I looked over  Archir who was smirking. I was controlling my own tears. I didn't wanted to look weak but I was was. Without her.

" Jug.. I'm sorry. You was not a rebound believe me. I.. " " You know what Elizabeth Cooper. We Are Done." I cut her off again and left.

I went to my trailer and broke down. I feel to my knees, crying. I just lost my love and here I am again, lonely. I had no one except of her. My dad was to Jail and Mom&Jelly were in Toledo. She was the only one I could hold on but not anymore. She betrayed me. I had enough. I know what I have to do next.

Betty P.O.V

" You know what Elizabeth Cooper, We Are Done. "

He left after ending things with me. I was regretting my every step that I taken in favor of Archie. I rrealised that Jughead was the one. I felt stupid for even talking to Archie in first place. Why I agreed on becoming friends. Why I didn't told Jug about him and why I lied to him all the time. I kicked myself for making my life's biggest mistake. I looked back and saw Archie laughing.

"You think it's funny. " I growled. He stooped laughing and stood their, smirking.

" You know why I'm laughing. Let me tell you. " He walked closer to me. "Because I just won a Bet." He whisper. What the hell he was talking about?

" What.. What do you mean? " " I made a bet with my friends to make you again fall for me and break up with Jughead. And guess what I won. Thank you Betty." He smirked. I really fell in his traps again and let go of my true love. Jughead was right, He wasn't trust worthy. I slapped him hard. Tears were streaming down my face. His evil smile came and he readjusted his jaw. " I deserved it " He smirked. "Go to Hell Archie Andrews" I ran away to my house. I went to my room and closed the door loudly. I started crying, bringing my knees to my chest. I was sitting on the cold floor.

I really messed up. How stupid I was to think he changed and how stupid I was to let go of Jughead. What his fault was; helping me in my bad times, loving me. I took my phone and called Jughead, no answer. I tried again still nothing. I can't sit here, I have to go and find Jughead. I have lots of explaining to do. I can't let go of him.

I grabbed my coat and went to his trailer. I knocked, no answer. I again knocked still nothing. I decided to go straight inside. I grabbed the knob and luckily it was open.

I checked the whole Trailer but there was no trace of him. Even his clothes were missing in his room. Where he went??

There was a note on the coffee table which catched my attention. I grabbed the note and it was from Jughead.

" Betty,

If you are reading this then you probably came for me. But I will be no longer here. I left for Toledo after everything happened. There was no point of me staying in Riverdale. My family which was actually you was no longer with me. Don't blame yourself for my leaving, it was my decision. You never loved me but Copper you must know that I will love you always. Take care. Bye. "

No.. No.. No.. He can't leave. This can't be happening. I made a huge mistake and I regret it so much.

I feel down to the floor and  started crying. Did he really left?? He will never come back and that all happened because of me. How stupid I am to fell in every single traps of Archie. " Come Back" I cried but he surely was never coming back.

I lost him forever.

It was really a confusing and interesting shot for me to write and you to read.!


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