You are Perfect ( Part 2 )

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Betty P.O.V

-30 min earlier-

We were in our favorite Pop choco shop for our lunch and suddenly Jug is acted a little strange. When Pop approached us for our orders, Archie ordered a chicken burger with fries. Veronika with fruits salad and milkshake. And I ordered some onion rings along with vanilla milkshake.

When he asked Jug about his order his reply was a shock to all of us.

“I am not hungry Pop, thank you. ” He said while being little sad.
I placed my hands on his shoulder and asked him, “ Jug you are not eating? Are you okay? Is your health is fine?”

I asked him many questions but he just said he is fine and nothing is wrong.

Then Archie said, “ Woah!  Jug if you are fine then why are you not eating. It's not your thing man. ” he said taking his burger bite.

Suddenly, Jug stood up angrily and yelled,“Well I am not hungry. Is it good enough.” With that he left the shop leaving us three there in confusion.

-Present Time-

I am making my way straight to the South side park to talk to him about his rude behavior today.


No answer. I leaned up to see from window that he was sleeping in the couch.

Then I started banging on the door loudly. Just after 5 second he opened the door.

“God Betty you scared me! ” He said breathing faster.

I ignored his words and made my way to the couch. It was usual to see some packets of ships on his coffee table which was typical of him.

But today there was nothing.

“What are you doing here? ” he asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

I walked closer to him and placed my hands to his cheek and cared them.

“Jug what happened?  There is something that made you to drop food which you loves the most after me of course. Please tell me we will figure out it together. ” I said..

He sighed. And faced his back to me.

“it's nothing. Believe me. ” He said with his face to other side.

“NO IT'S NOT NOTHING. TELL ME PLEASE” I said with louder tone.

“I.... Uh.. I” He started but i cut him by saying, “IT'S WHAT? ”

He turned around and said,  “You really want to listen? ” He said. Now he was little angry.

I nodded with even thinking.

“Okay then,  I am doing this for us. I know you like boys with muscular body and I am not one of them. But I am trying. I am trying to make you not leave me for any other guy. ” He said having little tears in his eyes.

My eyes we're also watery thinking that he believe I will leave him for some another person.

I grabbed his face and pulled him in a long kiss. It was full of love and passion. I brought my hands around his neck and his hands found their way to my waist.

After I pull away, I hit him slightly on the shoulder and said, “you are are complete idiot to think that I will leave. Why don't you understand I am in love with you. When I say you I love you means I LOVE YOU and never ever will leave you. You are forever stuck with me Jones. ”

And he said “ I love you too”

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