Someone like him

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Betty P.O.V

My whole body felt numb. My eyes we're drained from tears. I didn't had enough power to drag myself out of this hell place.

I have been kidnapped by the leader of some gang. I over heard them, they were call themselves, the Goulies. They wanted some kind of revenge on their rivalry gang. But why me? Why they have kidnapped me? I don't even have any contacts with gang members. That was my only question to myself from these few days since they have kept me here.

They came everyday here, laugh at me, torture me and left me here all alone in dark. Until today, they came and untied me from ropes around my legs and arms.

We're are leaving in 5 minutes so get your lazy ass up.” A man growled at me. Almost yelling. I didn't had enough power to snap back so I gave a slight nod and stood up. Once I stood up, a man grabbed my arm and dragged me outside from the black pitch room into the sunlight. I covered my eyes at sudden lights and slowly opened my eyes.

They throw me in the back seat of a car and started driving to a unknown destination for me.

They finally stooped and asked me to get out. It was a BAR. They again grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. As we entered, I saw a lot of men standing in leather jacket with snakes on their back. They was a guy standing in front but a beanie on his head. I locked eyes with him for few seconds when the man standing next to me started taking,

Jones you remember the deal?”
He was talking to the same boy. He grabbed my arm more tighter, leaving bruise for sure. I flinch at the pain, “Ahhhh” I cried and tried to remove his hands from my arm. “Take you hands off the girl.” The boy with beanie said. The man grabbing me smirked and took his hands off me. There was huge red mark. I rubbed it gently and looked back to the boy. He had mixed concern and angry expressions.

Jones what about the deal? Want this girl? Then you have to give this lovely bar to... Us” The man standing next to me said.

I looked at the boy and he was looking at me back. “Give us the girl first” After he said, his group started whispering. Probably talking about how he can give bar in return of.. Me. But why was he doing that? I was no one to him. I was confused. The man next to me pushed me to front. I walked towards the leather jacket men and stood next to the boy. “Now you assholes can leave” The boy said with a smirk. What? “What are you saying Jones? We had a deal remember?”  the man growled at him.

The boy smirked again and walked towards him. “Really? What kind of deal you are talking about?” He smirked again. The man grabbed the boy by his Coller, “Don't you dare Jones?” He yelled. The boy whistled and the whole leather men group take out their guns and pointed towards them. The look of fear occupied their faces and the man slowly removed his hands from his Coller. He took few steps back, “This is not over” He yelled and ran away. The whole bar started celebrating at their victory. My whole body was in pain. My vision was becoming blurry and the next thing I remember was blacking out.

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