Chapter 40: Genesis

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Here we are... Welcome to the last chapter! I am so thankful to all of you who took the time to read my story, and I am especially grateful for all the comments you've left throughout the chapters. It has really helped me shape the narrative and I believe I have become a better writer because of you. 

Thank you!

P.S. I have deliberately made the COVID-19 nonexistent in the story, as I feel we are all surrounded by all kinds of information and disinformation about it and honestly, as a doctor, it has become a huge part of my work in the last few weeks... So I chose to give our Clexa a Coronavirus-free world, which is why the Convention in Paris was NOT cancelled 😄

It has been an absolute pleasure and I hope you have enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.



It was almost unbearable how time seemed to stand still in the month of March and no matter how busy she tried to stay, Clarke's impatience actually grew as the days went by. Patience had never been her strong suit anyway and she was becoming even more aware of it on the last day of the month as she was counting the minutes, waiting for her shift to be over so she could go home and get ready for her flight that same evening.

Once Clarke had made sure she had everything she needed for the ten days she would spend with her family in Australia, she got in the car with Raven who had offered to take her to the Málaga airport.

After a 45-minute drive, they arrived at the departure terminal and Raven walked with Clarke to the security checkpoint after leaving the car at the airport parking.

"Thank you for the ride, Ray..." Clarke said as she was getting ready to pass the security control.

"Of course, dude... don't even mention it," Raven winked at her friend.

"You must be sick and tired of driving around, though... going to Madrid every weekend to be with Octavia and now taking me to the airport..."

"Not at all," Raven shook her head. "As soon as I see her face, I forget all about the long drive..." she smiled softly.

"Awww my Ray Ray is sooo in love," Clarke teased her.

"Yeah yeah," Raven gave her a push on the shoulder, trying to steer attention away from her flushed cheeks. "Don't forget to tell Ana I said hi..." she changed the subject, moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Ew... Please, don't ever say my mum's name like that again..." Clarke frowned. "It's gross."

"What?" Raven laughed. "It's her name, isn't it?"

"You know what I mean!" Clarke couldn't help but laugh as well. "Gotta go... thank you again... Drive safe!"

"Will do," Raven assured her. "Text me when you land, okay?"

"Yes... Bye, Ray!" Clarke hugged her friend before she walked away in the direction of the security checkpoint.


A little less than 30 hours and two layovers later, Clarke arrived to the Melbourne Airport at around 2 pm on April the 2nd.

Her sister and her mum picked Clarke up at the arrivals terminal, since they had taken two weeks off work so they could spend time with her.

"I missed you so much!" Ana said with tears in her eyes, cupping her daughter's face with her hands.

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