Chapter 10: May we meet again

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"What time is your flight?" Lexa asked, seated on the side of the bed as she was watching Clarke get dressed.

"5:45 pm, but we have to be there two hours earlier... plus we need to return the rental car," Clarke answered while she was pulling up her short black pants.

"Oh, right..." Lexa said quietly and nodded.

"When is yours?" Clarke asked after she had put on her white shirt and sat down on the bed, next to Lexa.

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"To Los Angeles?" Clarke inquired and gently touched the back of Lexa's hand with her fingers.

"To San Diego, actually..." Lexa looked at her and smiled. "It's the annual San Diego Comic Con, our panel is on Friday, the 19th of July..." she explained. "But I'll arrive on Wednesday, there are some interviews and photoshoots scheduled for Thursday."

"Wow... that sounds exciting! The Comic Con is a big deal, I've seen some videos from last year," Clarke said enthusiastically.

"It is, yes..." Lexa agreed. "But I'm more excited about what comes after that."

"What's that?"

"Vacation time," her smile became wider as she leaned back, lying down on the bed and put her hands under her head.

Clarke followed her actions and lay down on her side. She leaned with her elbow on the mattress and rested her head on her hand, then started playing with Lexa's bathrobe rope.

"Do you have any plans for your birthday?" she asked.

"No, I just know I will be in San Diego... I should be back in LA on the 22nd of July," she replied. "What about you? Any plans vacation-wise?"

"I have some vacation days in the first half of August..." Clarke replied. "I was planning on using them for a motorcycle road trip."

Lexa lifted her upper body as she leaned on her elbows and looked at Clarke with an amused expression on her face.

"You have a motorcycle? Damn, Clarke... that's hot."

Clarke laughed and then moved up to get closer to Lexa's face.

"Lexa..." she said in a low, raspy voice once she was close enough that she could feel her warm breath. "You are hot."

She looked at Lexa's lips and then again at her eyes and caught her doing the exact same thing.

Clarke bit her lower lip and looked at Lexa, whose breathing was becoming heavier as she leaned towards her and pressed her lips against hers.

The kiss was soft and slow, and it felt a bit different from the passionate ones they shared during the sex the night before and earlier that morning.

Clarke's hand was resting on Lexa's cheek and Lexa was holding her by the back of her neck, as if she was afraid to let her go.

They took their time enjoying that intimate moment and after a while they were forced to move their lips apart to fill their lungs with air.

When they opened their eyes, they were leaning forehead to forehead and their breathing was slowly calming down.

The air around them was charged with unsaid things, unexpressed feelings and so many questions they were afraid to ask. But one thing was certain - Clarke didn't want to leave and Lexa wanted her to stay.

Lexa's lips started to shake as she was trying to find the courage to transform her feelings into words.

"Clarke..." she said quietly, almost whispering. "I..."

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