Chapter 39: Dear Clarke

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"Are you sure?" Maia asked.

"Yes..." Lexa bit her lip nervously.

"You don't need more time?" Maia continued. "You're sure this is how you want to do it?"

"It's been almost two months... And you know how hard it's been for me..."

"Don't you think you should call her?"

"No..." Lexa shook her head. "If I hear her voice I won't be able to say everything that needs to be said... This is better..." she tilted her head down, looking at the envelope in her hand.

"Alright then..." Maia gave up. "I'll come to the Post Office with you."

Lexa nodded, smiling at her friend and grabbed her jacket before they left the apartment.


It was Friday and Clarke had just finished her shift at the hospital, completing the first half of February.

In the last two weeks, she had been spending time with Isabel, whom she'd found to be a great conversationalist, which Clarke really appreciated in a person. She had also discovered that Isabel was a good listener and she soon felt comfortable enough to start talking to her about Lexa. The blonde didn't reveal Lexa's identity, which Isabel understood completely and didn't push for more information, instead they talked about their trust issues and how to work on them.

Clarke always felt better after talking to Isabel, who seemed to understand the situation and didn't judge, on the contrary, she agreed that Clarke and Lexa had done the right thing to take some time apart to work on themselves. The blonde felt a lot more hopeful about their future together, knowing that no matter how much time they had been apart, her feelings for Lexa stayed strong and there was no doubt in her head that Lexa loved her back and that they would find their way back to each other.

Work had been great and Clarke had learn a lot from her mentor in Madrid, but she was also anxious to finish the remaining two weeks of her rotation and go back to Marbella.

In the afternoon she had just gotten out of the shower when she noticed the notification light on her phone. She unlocked the screen and saw that she had one unread message from Isabel.


Isabel (6:13 pm):
"So... How are you spending Valentine's Day?"

Clarke (6:18 pm):
"I would've totally forgotten it was today if it weren't for my roommates."

Isabel (6:18 pm):
"Yeah? Big Valentine's Day fans?"

Clarke (6:18 pm):
"Pretty much. They're gone for the weekend... spending it with their boyfriends."

Isabel (6:19 pm):
"Are you saying you're going to be all alone? On a Friday evening?"

Clarke (6:19 pm):
"Nope, I have a collection of horror films to keep me company. And some porn as well... you know, to mix it up a little 😁"

Isabel (6:19 pm):
"I was going to ask if I could join you... and then I saw the second part of the message 😅"

Clarke (6:20 pm):
"😂 I can totally postpone that. I have the apartment to myself until Sunday evening. So, no hot date for you tonight?"

Isabel (6:20 pm):
"Nope... I'm boycotting Valentine's Day."

Clarke (6:20 pm):
"For anti-capitalism or anti-love reasons?"

Isabel (6:20 pm):
"Anti-capitalism. Love is not something to profit from."

Clarke (6:21 pm):
"You have said the magic words and unlocked the next level of our friendship! I'm starting the marathon with The Shining at 8 pm."

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