Chapter 36: Foundation

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Here's the second chapter of the day, as promised 😉Instead of writing a chapter summary, I'm going to leave this with you:

1. The actress I have in mind for Madi's character is Kaya Scodelario

2. Please, don't hate me.




On the late afternoon of the 20th of December, Clarke and her friends were on their way to Málaga to pick up Madi from the airport.

Raven was driving and Octavia was buckled up in the front passenger seat, shuffling through her playlist, taking on the role of a dj for the road.

It had been a little more than three weeks since Clarke had invited her sister and in that period she and Lexa had been mostly texting, having had only a few video calls, all of them on the brunette's initiative.

Clarke was not even mad any more, she had pretty much resigned to her fate and had decided to adopt a new philosophy on life and to just go with the flow, wherever it might take her.

It was something she had always found pretty hard to do, since she was more of a stick to the plan kind of person, but she figured she had no choice but to try it, if she didn't want to lose her mind overthinking the whole 'Lexa situation'.

That was until an hour ago when she received an email from the The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, congratulating her on being accepted to their 5th year residency program of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology.

That was definitely a game changer.

She was sitting in the back seat of Raven's car, wondering if she should tell Lexa before officially accepting the residency or if she should just take the spot and simply inform her that she would be moving to L.A. in less than five months.

Taking Lexa out of the equation, she asked herself if she was actually excited about it and quickly realized that she was definitely glad she had applied and was looking forward to spend her last year as a resident in one of the top 3 Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Centers in the States.

After all, medicine was her passion and she had already moved twice pursuing her dream, so she didn't stress at all about doing it all over again.

What was the worst thing that could happen anyway? If she didn't like it, she could always go back to Spain where the chief of the ward had assured her many times that there would always be a spot waiting for her.

So she decided to write back, officially accepting the residency, and tell Lexa later.

Go with the flow, right?


Once they had picked up Madi from the airport, they decided to go right back to Marbella, so they could all be well rested for Octavia's birthday party the following day.

Clarke had decided to talk to Lexa on Sunday, since she was going to be in L.A. since the day before, so she figured they could have a video call.

On Saturday evening, Clarke, Madi and Raven were in the living room, getting the place ready for the guests, putting out the food and drinks Octavia had brought by earlier that day.

A little before 9 pm, the doorbell rang and Raven rushed to answer the intercom, buzzing them in once she recognized Octavia's voice.

She didn't even notice Juanmi and Luna behind her once she laid eyes on her beautiful girlfriend, who looked stunning, wearing a short, fitted V-cut black dress with long, lace sleeves.

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