Chapter 35: Blindfolded

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I'm publishing two chapters today 😊 In the first one, "Blindfolded" I wrote about how sometimes all of us can be too quick to judge, about how communication is pretty much the key to everything and how the lack of it can lead to unresolved issues. Also I wouldn't advise you to read this chapter in public... there's a 🔥 Clexa 🔥 scene. Hope you like it!



When it came to religion, Clarke was somewhere in between agnostic and atheist, but on the morning after Halloween she was glad that she lived in a Catholic country where the All Saints' Day was celebrated on the 1st of November. After the night she'd had, it most certainly came in very handy as it would've been impossible for her to function properly if she had had to go to work.

It was a little after noon when she emerged from the bedroom and found Raven and Octavia having coffee on the balcony.

"Where's Luna?" she asked after noticing the empty sofa bed on her way to joining her friends.

"Good morning to you too," Raven joked. –"In the bathroom," she answered after Clarke had sat at the table.

"Coffee?" Octavia offered.

"No, thanks... I just took Omeprazole and Naproxen, I'll wait for it to start working and then probably eat something..." Clarke explained.

"You're not so young anymore, are you Clarkie?" Raven teased her.

"You're the one to talk!" Clarke said playfully. "You two left like two hours before closing time..."

"That's only because we were horny and Octavia didn't want to do it in the bathroom at the club," she explained and received a shove on the shoulder from Octavia. "What? It's true!" she laughed as she leaned to give her girlfriend a peck on the lips.

"Awww you two are the cutest!" Luna said to the couple as she joined them on the balcony.

"I know someone who wouldn't agree with you..." Octavia said and the mood changed instantly.

"Yeah... Speaking of him... He has been texting me all morning," Luna added.

"Is he ready to apologize?" Clarke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He swears he doesn't have a problem with Octavia dating a woman..." Luna replied.

"It's because she's with me, isn't it?" Raven took a guess. "He has a problem with me."

"Um... Yeah... Sorry..." Luna confirmed.

"What the fuck?" Octavia exclaimed. "He doesn't even know her! He never even talks to you when we all hang out together," she said, turning to Raven.

"Yeah..." Raven confirmed. "Except when... actually... Um... He kinda hit on me when we first met..." she said reluctantly.

"What? Did you...?" Octavia widened her eyes.

"No! No, no! Nothing happened... I wasn't interested... He was way too cocky and totally not my type..." Raven answered and looked at Luna. "Sorry..."

"Why are you sorry?" Luna laughed. "He's exactly like that when you first meet him... And he has a huge ego, which is probably why it must be killing him that his cousin got the only girl who has ever rejected him..."

"She can't be the only one, come on..." Clarke joined the conversation.

"Oh, believe me... I'm sure of it," Luna replied. "He really knows how to woo a woman... When I met him, he had the vibe of a player and I liked it, because I wasn't looking for anything serious at the time. But after a while, I saw that it was not just about the sex for him... He really started to open up to me and was being really nice and attentive... All that cockiness is just for show... He's actually a real teddy bear once you get to know him... That's why I fell in love with him... And let's just say that his ego is not the only thing that's huge, if you know what I mean..." she finished and winked at the girls as she took a sip of her coffee.

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