Chapter 26: Offline

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NOTE: Now we know what happened between Clarke and Lexa... The story continues from the moment Clarke called Raven...

Thank you for reading and I hope you'll like it!


"She'll come back, Clarke... You'll see," Raven said as they were sitting on the couch.

Clarke had finally calmed down since her roommate, Octavia and her dog had been with her in the apartment, talking in the living room.

After telling them about the events from that morning, she felt a bit better and a little more hopeful, although she couldn't get the expression of pain and disappointment on Lexa's face out of her mind.

"You didn't see her, Ray... She was so hurt..." Clarke tilted her head down.

"But you love each other..." Octavia joined the conversation. "That's gotta count for something... Right?"

Clarke simply nodded, holding Lexa's shirt in her hands and she gave Octavia a sad smile as she remembered the previous night when Lexa told her she loved her.

"I shouldn't have lied to her..." she sighed. "I messed everything up..."

"Look... That may be true, but hell... It's not like you killed someone, right?" Raven interfered. "You made a mistake, you're human! She'll come back and you'll have wild make-up sex and everything will go back to normal, you'll see," she winked at Clarke and elicited a subtle smile.

"Do you know where she is?" Octavia asked.

"No... She texted me right before you came, letting me know she'd arrived at the hotel... But I don't know which one..." Clarke replied.

"You see? She wrote to you!" Octavia exclaimed.

"Only because I asked her to, when we said goodbye..." Clarke was starting to feel another wave of sadness and hopelessness coming her way. "Listen, I'm just gonna go to my room for a bit... Thank you both for being here... I love you, guys..." she said as she hugged them before she walked away and stroked Maki's head on her way to her bedroom.

"I mean, I know lesbians are big on drama, but don't you think Lexa is overreacting?" Raven said after hearing the bedroom door close. "Sure, yes, Clarke didn't tell her about Eva, but did it really matter? It's not like she cheated on Lexa or anything... Plus, the relationship was already dead when they met... And she dumped her officially the moment she came back, so why all the drama?"

"I guess for Lexa it's not about how Clarke handled things, but she probably feels hurt because she thinks Clarke didn't trust her enough to share all that with her..." Octavia replied. "Not just in Paris, but after... As they were becoming closer... It's like she didn't put all the cards on the table, you know? Lexa probably feels like the game was rigged from the beginning... Plus, she is an actress and her zodiac sign is Cancer, so drama pretty much runs in her veins."

"Wow... I can't believe I had doubts about your sexuality... You're definitely a lesbian!" Raven joked and Octavia gave her a gentle push on the shoulder.

"You're the one to talk!" she laughed. "You took the first plane to New York just because you saw me kissing someone else," Octavia raised her eyebrows, looking at Raven and waiting for her response with a huge smile on her face.

"Touché!" Raven couldn't help but blush as she smiled back at Octavia.

They were looking at each other timidly, aware that the eye contact was becoming more intense and meaningful with each second that went by.

We'll always have Paris (CLEXA AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora