Chapter 23: A Keeper

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The lovers' siesta was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, startling Clarke who was the first to wake up. Feeling the warmth of Lexa's body against her back, the calm, rhythmic breathing on the skin of her neck and the brunette's arm resting around her waist made leaving their love nest an extremely difficult task for Clarke. The moment she tried to move away from her, Lexa pulled her closer and made her mission impossible.

"Mmmmm... don't go..." she said in a sleepy voice.

"I have to, love..." Clarke could feel her heart melt when Lexa held her even tighter, inhaling the scent of her messy, blonde hair.

"But... It feels so nice, baby... stay..." Lexa tried to negotiate, leaving kisses on the back of Clarke's neck.

"I know... I love being your little spoon..." she closed her eyes, enjoying the touch of the brunette's lips on her skin. "But..."

The doorbell rang again, making Lexa jump at the sound.

"Is that the bell?" she asked.

"Yes, sleepyhead..." Clarke laughed. "It's probably Octavia."

"Shit, is it 8 pm already?" Lexa finally moved away from Clarke and lay back, letting her get out of the bed. "It's still so bright, though..." she covered her eyes with the palm of her hand.

Clarke smiled as she walked towards the closet, where she took out a new pair of underwear and grabbed her clothes from the floor before putting them on. She leaned with her knee on the bed to give Lexa a quick peck on the lips and moved in the direction of the door.

"Take your time... I'll go open and we'll have some drinks on the balcony, okay? Join us when you're ready," she said as she was leaving the room.

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Lexa said in the moment the doorbell rang for the third time.

Clarke answered the intercom and buzzed Octavia in before unlocking the door and going to the kitchen to prepare some snacks.

"Hello? Clarke?" Octavia called her name a minute later as she walked into the hallway and closed the door behind her.

"In the kitchen!"

"Hey!" Octavia greeted her with a kiss on each cheek as she walked into the kitchen. "Did I interrupt something...?" she smiled and left a six-pack of cold beers on the worktop.

"Oh, no... we fell asleep, actually..." Clarke replied as she was taking some mozzarella sticks out of the bag and laid them in the oven tray.

"Right... Well, you must be tired, considering you've been probably hopping each other like horny bunnies since Thursday," Octavia laughed when she noticed Clarke's flushed cheeks.

"It's been... intense..." she smiled timidly at her friend as she put the tray in the oven. "Shall we?"

Clarke took the bowls with potato chips and guacamole dip, as well as olives, suggesting to Octavia to follow her on her way out of the kitchen. Octavia took three beers out of the six-pack and put the rest of it in the fridge before joining Clarke on the balcony.

"I see there are two full glasses of wine on the coffee table," she observed. "You don't want beer, then?"

"Oh... I totally forgot..." Clarke remembered she had served some wine before she found Lexa in her sexy ligerie in the bedroom. "No, no... that's from earlier today, it's probably warm now," she explained as Octavia joined her on the balcony. "I'll have a beer, thanks... And we'll see what Lexa's in the mood for, there's some wine in the fridge as well."

"I have no idea what you said, but I know I heard my name," they both turned around and saw Lexa in the living room, walking towards them with a smile on her face. "I also heard cerveza!"

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