Chapter 33: Shift in the wind

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NOTE: Just a little bit of warning - there is some offensive language in this chapter, as well as some alcohol and "drug" use.

Over the next three weeks, Clarke and Lexa had been talking everyday, in spite of the time difference and Clarke's busy work schedule. They had even managed to have a very steamy video call in the on-call room during one of the blonde's 24-hour shifts, finally granting Lexa's wish to see Clarke in her scrubs. Or to be more accurate, to see her take them off slowly, piece by piece, making Lexa unable to resist touching herself at the sight of the blonde, fulfilling her fantasy.

As much as they both enjoyed their calls, Clarke was beginning to seriously crave Lexa's actual presence, which was why she had taken a very important decision that could pretty much shape the rest of her life.

On the morning of the 16th of September, Clarke was on her way up to the hospital cafeteria when she bumped into her mentor Carlos.

"Clarke, hey!" he greeted her as they were about to get something to drink.

"Good morning," she said with a smile on her face.

"Did you send the application? The deadline was yesterday, right?" he asked.

"I did, yes..." she replied. "Thank you so much for your recommendation letter, by the way."

"Of course, no problem!" he smiled. "I meant every word, you know that... But I still think you should have chosen the Special Surgery Hospital in New York," he added.

"Thank you," Clarke smiled back as she grabbed her cup of tea. "But you know my heart is in L.A.," she winked at him.

"I know, I know..." his smile widened as an employee handed him a sandwich and a cup of coffee. "She's a lucky woman and it's not going to be the same without you here," he said, placing his hand on Clarke's shoulder.

"I'll miss you too," Clarke was touched by her mentor's words, whom she had come to respect not only as a professional, but also as the wonderful human being he was.

As soon as he walked away, she heard a familiar voice behind her that startled her.

"Is Carlos going somewhere?" Octavia approached her from behind.

"What?" Clarke needed a moment to process her friend's words. "Oh, no..."

"Why are you going to miss him then?" Octavia asked as they walked over to an unoccupied table.

"Um... I'm the one who's leaving, actually..." Clarke replied as they sat down.

"You're referring to your 2 months rotation in Madrid? But that's not until January," Octavia was confused.

"No..." Clarke said and her friend lowered her eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. "I mean after that, actually..." she continued. "I've applied to do my last year of residency in The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles... Starting in May."

"Oh my God!" Octavia exclaimed, widening her eyes and raising her eyebrows in surprise. "Wow, Clarke... That's awesome! Lexa must be thrilled!"

"She doesn't know yet," Clarke said quietly. "I want to see if they accept the transfer first before telling her..." she explained. "Plus, she's on a flight to L.A. at the moment and the Emmys are in a week... She's got a lot on her plate. I wouldn't want to get her hopes up for nothing..."

"Of course they'll take you!" Octavia was certain. "Remember Gabriel? He did part of his residency in New York and you're way better surgeon, plus you have great credentials with all those clinical studies you did..."

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