Chapter 32: Perturbation

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Lexa was wondering what on Earth had possessed her to suddenly decide to be spontaneous and show up unannounced, standing in front of the building that gave her the best memories of her life. She found it funny how looking at a simple concrete structure could make her heart beat absurdly fast, knowing that the person who lived behind those walls was about to come out. The brunette couldn't even remember getting on a plane and she had no idea where her suitcase was, attributing her confusion to the jet lag and the nerves she felt in her stomach as she passed the parking lot's entrance ramp.

Instead of ringing the bell, she decided to lean on the motorcycle parked in front of the buidling's main door, anxious to see a smile crop up on the lips she desperately needed to feel on her own.

The door suddenly opened and her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she laid eyes on the soft blonde curls, swinging lightly against the woman's shoulders as she held the door for another woman who intertwined her fingers behind the blonde's neck, giving her a kiss on the lips.

Lexa stood still as she witnessed the passionate embrace of the two women, feeling a sharp pain in her chest, finding it difficult to breathe as the lump in her throat seemed to have cut off the air supply to her lungs.

"Cla... Clarke ... ?" she barely let out a whisper, tears falling down her cheeks.

The two women didn't seem to acknowledge her presence, noticing her only after their lips separated and she could now clearly recognize the other woman as Clarke's ex.

Eva looked at Lexa with a smirk on her face and whispered something in the blonde's ear who laughed out loud before finally making an eye contact with the young actress.

It was a shade of blue she had never seen before, colder than she could've ever imagined possible, so much that it froze Lexa's heart to death. She could swear it ceased to beat, turning her body into a lifeless shell, completely empty and ready to crumble into dust.

"Lexie! Wake up!" she could hear her mother's voice from a distance.

Suddenly Clarke's face started fading away and Lexa could feel her mother's hands on her sweaty cheeks. She finally opened her eyes and saw Becca's face, covered in concern as she stroke her chestnut curls.

"It was just a nightmare, honey... it's ok..." she comforted Lexa, seeing that she was still struggling to come back to reality.

"Mum..." Lexa spoke at last, relieved to hear her own voice.

"It's okay, honey... I'm here..." she said in a soothing voice.

Lexa looked around and her breathing was stabilizing, coming to the realization that it had been a bad dream and she was actually in bed, in her old room in Australia.

"Did I scream?" she asked as she sat up.

"You did, yes... You were calling someone... Clarke, I think?"

"Oh..." Lexa tilted her head down.

"Anyone important?" Becca inquired and saw her daughter nod repeatedly. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Lexa looked up, doubting for a second, but seeing her mother's kind eyes was the only push she needed to start talking.

"Clarke... well... she's actually the girl I've been seeing..." she said quietly and saw her mother exhale, looking relieved.

She tilted her head to the side with confusion written all over her face, looking at Becca.

"Sorry, it's just that... when I heard Clarke, I assumed it was a man... and I thought... I don't know what I thought, actually..." Becca confessed.

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