Chapter 3: On y va à Paris

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Friday, July 12, 2019

"Ready?" Clarke asked as she was waiting for her girlfriend to put on the helmet.

"I'll never be ready for a motorcycle ride, Clarke..." Eva replied sounding indifferent. "I'm just glad I'm getting my car back today... it's been a long week."

"Oh, come on, this was a good way for you to prepare for our road trip."

"What road trip?" Eva frowned as she sat behind Clarke.

"The one I've been trying to convince you to do with me since we started dating," she clarified. "We could travel all around Andalucía for starters, and then who knows, we could go up to Cataluña if we'd like."

"No way, Clarke... I've told you I don't like going long distances with your bike," Eva was determined. "Now, please, take me to the workshop to get my car."

Clarke sighed and drove off, deciding not to insist with the subject that always led to a fight and she was definitely not in the mood for it.

She knew that Eva was not a big fan of her motorcycle, but she had hoped that in time things would change and she'd be open to an adventure with her.

For Clarke it felt as if her girlfriend didn't trust her to keep her safe and it was becoming an issue between them, even after they'd talked about it and Eva had assured her that it wasn't the case.

After a short drive, Clarke dropped Eva off at the workshop and went home. At the entrance of the building, she ran into Julio, the superintendent, who greeted her with a smile on his face.

"Hello, doctora, how was your day?" he asked politely.

"Hello Julio, it was fine, thank you," she answered. "How's yours so far?"

"Not too bad, although I must say today I've been feeling the pain in my lower back again... Ever since the fall when I was cleaning the pool, I just can't seem to shake this off."

"But the fall was last week, Julio, these things take time to heal..."

"I know, I know... but I thought, maybe you could give me another injection, like the one you gave me when I fell," he looked at her with plea in his eyes.

"There's no need for it, I promise you... Just take the pills I gave you for one more week and with a couple of sessions of physiotherapy you'll be as good as new," Clarke explained and walked towards the elevator.

"From your lips to God's ears, doctora," Julio gave up and decided to thank her instead by giving his favourite doctor a bag of fresh tomatoes he brought from his garden.

She accepted the gift and took the elevator to the 8th floor.

Clarke walked towards the apartment and noticed a sound of music getting louder as she was approaching the door. She went inside and saw Raven wearing nothing but a bikini and dancing to "Alors on dance" by Stromae next to a pile of clothes scattered around the couch.

"Bonjour, Clarkie!" she shouted when she saw Clarke looking at her with an amused expression on her face. "I'm packing for the weekend, can't decide what to take with me..."

Clarke smiled and grabbed the sound system's remote control to turn down the volume.

"Really, Raven? It's just a weekend, dude! We're only taking hand luggage, remember?"

"Yes, I know! That's exactly the problem! I have to make the decisions now instead of later in the hotel, you know what I mean? I have to plan two outfits for travelling, one outfit for Saturday night and another one for the convention on Sunday... What are you going to wear?"

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