56 || the lucky ones

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Carl's arms wound around tori as she held belle close, belle had fallen asleep in the bed with them last night. her delicate little fingers grasped her mothers locks of red hair and she held it tightly to her body.

Tori let out a tired groan when the light pierced her vision. "Too early" she muttered, pulling herself closer to carl and tightly holding onto him as if he'd disappear into thin air.

Tori's hair was now coming undone no thanks to Belle for taking her hair elastic out. Tori snatched the band from her daughters hands before she could chew on the material. "we need teething toys. she's making my hands numb" she muttered into carls chest as the tiny child chewed on her mothers hands.

Carl hadn't heard a word of what she said so he just nodded in reply. he'd probably regret not listening to her in the future but right now all he wanted to do was lay down with his beautiful girls and enjoy the early hours of the morning with them.


Belle balanced on the chair as she stood, wobbling in the process and Tori watched happily as her baby girl stood (with help from the chair of course) Tori's heart fluttered when she saw carl walk in just as Belle fell back onto the ground with a thump then giggled to herself. Carls face immediately brightened at the sight of them as they watched. "oh my god" he muttered as belle pulled herself up then smiled proudly to herself. "our baby just stood for the first time carl!" Tori screeched and fling her arms around his neck.

His arms immediately found their way to her waist and she squealed happily again. "carl!" she screeched, "she's going to be one soon! We have to do something oh my god I wish I had a camera to remember her first steps! that'd be so cute wouldn't it, carl! oh wow, I'm just so happy, oh sorry I'm rambling again." tori just couldn't contain her happiness as she hugged the father of her child and watched as the little munchkin stood.
"I love you so much" he laughed and her smile grew just about a million times wider. "I love you too, carl" she leaned up to kiss him while they both grinned against each other's mouths.


Tori's father scratched his chin as he watched from the door way as carl interacted with Tori and his daughter. Tori was rambling about how happy she was and carl just watched her, a twinkle of love and hope in his eyes as he watched the girl in front of him bubble away with happiness and excitement. He was utterly in love with that girl and jack finally opened his eyes and saw the signs that have been right in front of him the whole time.

They aren't just two teenagers that don't know what their doing. no, they're far from it.

They are two adults who have grown up. they weren't just two kids who happened to have gotten themselves knocked up anymore. they were strong and they were utterly, hopelessly and endlessly in love with each other. they weren't about to let this shit world take them down with it. they'd fight, they'd succeed and they'd raise this baby the way they want. by their guidelines and rules because no one could take Belle away from them.

Tori's father never really looked at the two like this but when carl just out of nowhere told tori how much he loved her and the smile on her face growing he couldn't deny the fact that he'd been a complete asshole.

When their lips met and the smile on their lips were so big they could hardly kiss he realized something.

He saw everything a lot clearer now, without alcohol and without Tori's relentless mother telling him what to do and where to be. He was an independent man and putting Tori's insane mother in charge of persuading her wasn't exactly the best thing to do. But right about now he was set on the idea that tori didn't need to be anywhere but here. Right by Carl's side and caring for Belle because she does a damn well job at that, and carl does a damn good job when it comes to making jacks little girl happy.

Her parents couldn't make her smile this big even if they tried, hell they couldn't make her smile as much as carl and belle did if they told her the world was back to normal. That really showed something.

It didn't matter what anyone did to those two, they'd always have each other, wether or not one of them is on their death bed or fighting someone like the governor, they'd be able to think about moments like these and then they'd have a drive to fight for something. Most people now a days can't say that.

Carl and tori were considered the lucky ones.


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