47 || day off

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it was the morning after and rick had decided that his boy needed a day off from waking up at the crack of dawn and getting straight to work and so carl woke up around twelve in the afternoon to an empty bed and empty crib. his heart dropped as he leaped out of bed in a fluster before scrambling into the next room, nearly tripping over his own feet in the process.

Tori on the other hand was having a great time, talking with Maggie who was holding belle for one of the first times ever. "But I just don't know why she'd even ask in the first place to go play outside, she knew we'd say no especially when we aren't there to watch her. whatever, i just don't know anymore" Tori leaned back in her chair and ran her hand through her hair. "yeah well, Mika is only eight but you're right, she should've known better" Maggie added, nodding in agreement.

Tori shrugged before turning her head to look where carl stumbled into the room, shirtless and looking confused. "what's going on" he asked, sighing as a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders as he caught sight of Tori. "Rick let you sleep in today" Tori smiled brightly at her boyfriend who moved forward with a small smile playing on his lips as he kissed her cheek. "Oh. Well do you know if he needs any help with anything?" carl asked, and Tori rolled her eyes playfully at how cute Carl was when he got nervous. "Nope. it's your day off, now love me before I die of malnutrition" Tori joked and he smiled, a sparkle in his bright blue eyes that resemble his daughters as he scooped up his red-headed girlfriend and plopped them down on her chair, Maggie smiled at the young couple that were so in love with each other. They had the kind of love that was unbreakable. Strong and something that distance couldn't affect. They were unbreakable.

Tori couldn't help but let a blush creep onto her cheeks as she giggled. "stop it," she laughed and he shook his head, a grin spread across his face as he admired the beautiful girl in his arms.

"now where's my baby girl?" carl asked, finally taking his eyes off Tori and looking at his daughter who was watching the two interact with each other and looked at her surroundings like she always did.


and so for the rest of the day carl and Tori had it to themselves, with the exception of belle but when she took a three hour nap, Tori was in heaven. Belle had hardly gotten any sleep for the past few days and Tori didn't know why, but she hadn't so this had been a fantastic day so far. So during Belle's nap, Carl and Tori had managed to spend time with Mika, they pulled her out of story time.

She was thrilled that she could spend time with not only Tori, but Carl too. she hardly got to see either, Carl worked hard each day and was whipped by the end of the day and Tori took care of the baby twenty four seven. Mika didn't get much time with her busy parents, she knew they cared about her and loved her but she missed them. She didn't say anything to the couple because that'd only make everything more difficult and put a lot of pressure that the two didn't need on their plate. So she kept quiet, it was simpler that way.


After the family's day together- minus belle who was sleeping- they went back to the cells. Tori skipped ahead of Carl who loved seeing his beautiful girl wear her award winning smile as she pranced into their cell to Belle who was trying to pull herself up and had her bottom lip stuck out as it trembled, signalling she was ready for a diaper change and in need of her parents affction. "oh, i know baby. you're okay" Tori assured her child as she picked her up and laid her back on the bed on Belle's favorite blanket before changing her gross diaper. "hey carl," Tori said suddenly, without turning her head to look at him "yes, my love" he responded. "i love you, like, a lot." she said and a blush crept up his neck and onto his perfectly sculpted cheeks. "i guess i love you too" he joked, and that's how the rest of their night went. Having fun and joking around like normal couples did. But they weren't like any other normal couple, they were Carl and Tori.


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