28 || mom

587 16 0

-Tori's POV-


I missed him,

He's thrown himself into his work and I can't get through to him, I gave up

Rocking belle up and down, I brought her down to carl

He has got to let his own baby in

"I think daddy should take a break and see how adorable his little girl looks" I said in a baby voice and a small smile crept onto my face when he turned around "daddy thinks she looks adorable" he cooed and dropped the shovel, taking her from my grasp. "I'm sorry" I confessed. "i just thought it was good for your dad to be like that with her and have it be someone else's baby, he needs a distraction" he opened his free arm and I cuddled into his side, kissing my hair he muttered a "I'm sorry too"


it was about two days later and Mika didn't like belle. she'd glare at her and leave whenever she was around me, or carl. I was upset

That was an understatement actually,

I was crushed.

My baby and what I considered a daughter, didn't get along

I just don't know why Mika doesn't like her, she's just a baby, I don't know what to do.

I swiftly walked to carl who was talking to Daryl and thrusted belle into his arms and he held her by the sides and stopped talking "sorry to interrupt but it need to talk with Mika and don't want to leave her alone, so you're taking care of her" he stayed silent and adjusts her in his arms "thanks, love you" I kissed his cheek and ran into the prison


"Hey Mika, can I talk to you" I asked, peaking my head into her cell.

She shrugged, I took that as a yes


"I wanted to discuss our situation, between you and belle" I said softly and sit at the foot of her bed "what about it" she snapped "don't snap at me Mika." I demanded, my voice low "she is my daughter and I think of you as one. I don't want you to be like this around her. I need to know what your problem is with my family." I took a deep breathe and a tear rolled down her cheek, I wiped it away

"You don't pay attention to me. you're always with carl or Annabelle and it's annoying. I thought of you as a mom but obviously I've been replaced." she said bitterly.

I sat my hand on her knee as more tears rolled down her cheeks "Mika," I said softly "I'm glad you think of me as a mother figure but, along with you, I have a family. carl so my boyfriend, belle- my daughter and you, my oldest" I smiled "I one hundred percent want you to be a part of my family"

"What about carl" she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "whatever I want, carl wants. I don't think he'll be an issue either. He's a great dad" I smiled and she hugged my torso "thank you, mom"

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