21 || screwed

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-Tori's POV-


I wasn't throwing up in the day time, it was only mornings and I was getting scared. I could hold down my food for the entire day then the next day it'd be in the toilet. I sat up once again and sighed, "I'm scared, carl" I cried "I know baby, me too" he took me into his grip and I let tears fall onto his shirt. he shushed me as I continued to cry. "tori, I've gotta be the one to ask," Hershel started, walking into our room. I looked to him with red and puffy eyes. "have you two been.. sexually active? because that's the only explanation to what's going on." he said and I brought my hand up to my lips, why does this have to happen to me" I sobbed and carls body stiffened. I got off of his lap and ran out of the room, my vision blurry as I ran outside. my body came in contact with someone else's and I fell onto my bum. "sorry- what's wrong, tori" Daryl's southern accent asked frantically, helping me up. "I'm pregnant" I cried and Daryl sympathetically smiled and pulled me into a hug "sorry, kid" he said and kissed my forehead, "you'll be fine." he said "No I won't, look what happened to carls mom. he probably doesn't even want me anymore, let alone a baby" I muttered, loudly letting tears travel down my cheeks. "carl loves you very much, I'm sure he'll always want you I know he's not going to abandon you with a fucking baby when you're only 17" he exclaimed and I nodded "I need some air" I said and walked away.


This isn't fair, I can't have a kid in this world. I'm only 17 it won't work. it'll die before it learns to talk or walk. I might die giving birth.

This is so messed up.

Carl hadn't talked to me all day and I was worried. if I loose him, I'll have nothing but a baby I don't need. I played with the strings of carls sweatshirt as I sat on our bed, the blanket wrapped around me as leaned back on the wall.

I'm screwed. I'm so fucking screwed.


-carls POV-


It's not everyday you find out that your girlfriends pregnant with your kid when you're only 17 and living in a zombie apocalypse. this sucks. tori is my everything but she's having my child. this isn't good.

I mean- of course I want a baby with her, but I also want a normal life and I can't have that. not now and not ever. I couldn't before and I can't now. what am I supposed to do? I've been sitting on the couch in the library thinking about it since Hershel told us the news. I can't imagine what everyone is going to say when they find out. I groaned loudly and run my hand through my brown hair. I sat up and walked to mine and Tori's cell. I need to grow a pair and help the girl that's carrying a baby and is probably really hormonal.


-Tori's POV-


I woke up the same way I did for the past week, but happy because carl was beside me and still supported me when I was sad or sulking. he really was an amazing boyfriend, I'm just scared. I had been excused from any work outside and inside but it was my choice to do inside work, like clean the dishes, make lunch, wash clothes, and take care of Judith.

I sighed and sat Judith on my hip as I cleaned the last few dishes with my free hand. "This is so difficult" I whined and rinsed the soap off my hand. I adjusted her and turned to take her outside to see her brother. She likes to be with him.

I walked down to the garden where him and Hershel were working. "hey guys" I said and they looked up at us. I took a step forward to kiss carl. "afternoon Tori" Hershel greeted. I nodded with a smile and carl took Judith from me and I thanked him. "What's up?" carl asked, making silly faces at her.

He's going to be a fantastic dad

"nothing, being pregnant isn't my cup of tea while taking care of this girl, but I'm managing" I shrugged and he smiled softly at me. "sorry, babe. wish I could help" he said and I shrugged. Beth had walked over to us by now "I'll take her off your hands," she said and we thanked her. when she walked away with Judith I sighed and hugged carl. "I'm scared" "I know baby. me too. we'll be fine. I'm not going to let you slip away from me" he said and a smile formed on my lips, I rest my chin on his chest and he leans down to kiss me "I love you" he said against my lips. I pulled away and he kissed my nose. "I love you too" and buried my face in his neck. I heard Hershel's crutches walk away and carl kissed my forehead. "how's your day going?" he asked. "I don't know, I feel kind of weird, because y'know I'm having your baby but yeah I feel okay now." I sighed happily and kissed his neck. "What do you mean now?" he asked "I don't know, I like when you hold me, it makes me feel better" luckily he couldn't see the heavy blush on my cheeks. "aw, that's adorable" he gushed. I chuckled and pulled away slightly. I stood on my tippy toes to peck his lips and smiled. "where's grandpa?" I joked and carl laughed. "My dad is on a run with Daryl and Glenn" I nodded and Mika ran down the field. "tori" she squealed and I pulled away from carl and picked her up. her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms went around my neck "oh, easy tiger." I groaned and she giggled. "careful, Mika" carl snapped and her giggling stopped. "sorry" she said and dropped to the ground. I let her down and kneeled to her height. "Mika, carl and I have something to tell you" I started and she nodded, smiling. "Carl and I are going to be parents, we're having a baby." her eyebrows furrowed and a frown found its way onto her lips. she stood up and walked back to the prison, in utter shock I stood slowly. "shit. Mika" I yelled her name and ran after her.


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