41 || old friends

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-Tori's POV-


While Glenn and Maggie were on a run Beth was taking watch.

I was currently in carls lap, talking to everyone about life before everything went down.

"Hey everyone," Glenn's voice greeted walking in with a boy carls age. "I found someone" the boys head was down.

I shuffled on carls lap, making him groan and grip my hips, keep me in one spot. "Sorry" I rushed and he shook his head dismissively.

"Who's this" rick asked, standing and moving towards them. "Liam hart"

Carl mumbled the name under his breath a few times before his eyes got wide. "Liam!" He exclaimed. startled, Liam looked up and his eyes darted to carl.

"carl" he yelled, a huge smile taking over both of their faces. "I'm so confused" I confessed, still on his lap. "oh, tori this is my old friend, Liam. Liam, this is tori." he introduced us. "nice to meet you liam" I smiled and stood up when Judith started wailing in her dads room "I'll get her" I clarified, scurrying off to get her.


Carl hadn't stopped 'catching up' with Liam. I was sitting with belle in our cell. she was playing with my fingers and giggling. She's so lucky, not a care in the world.

I sighed and picked her up, walking into the room where carl and Liam were laughing about something.

Mika raced into the room looking ecstatic "daddy" she yelled and jumped into his lap. "what's up honey" he smiled at her and she started rambling about what happened with Judith and how cute she was then just collapsed onto his shoulder.

"Daddy?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow. "yep" I replied and passed belle over, carl took her from me, his smile growing.

She giggled and kicked her legs around.

"So this is your sister?" Liam asked. "no" carl said and I smiled, leaning down and kissing his cheek. "this is my daughter, belle, and this is Mika." he introduced.

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