3 || the doorway

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-Tori's POV-


"Tag you're it" Mika giggled running away from Lizzie in the fields eventually catching up to her and tapping her shoulder. Mika, who was now 'it' looked around, her eyes landed on carl and I, we were standing by, watching their episode.

She dashed towards us, carl and I turned and ran up the small hill. He slowed his pace so they could catch up to him and instead of tagging carl and running, Mika jumped onto carls back. panic took over his features, before he realized it was just the little blonde girl. his muscles tensed and he moved his hands to hold her up.

"You're it" she yelled hopping off of him and ran in the other direction, towards Lizzie. His eyes met mine and I shook my head in refusal.

Carl smirked and ran after me, back down the hill and in a circle. I felt hands grip my waist and hoist me up, onto their shoulders "carl!" I called, laughing hysterically
"put me down"

I heard a voice from behind us "don't drop er' " I looked upside down to see Daryl, holding a duffel bag and his crossbow. "please help me" I whine, he shrugged his shoulders "sorry kid, you're on your own" I pouted. "please." Carl set me down gently.

I brush myself off and shake my head disapprovingly at carl. he wrapped his arms around my waist, his chest to my back. "guess what?" he whispered. "what?" I ask turning my head to look at him "you're it" he kissed my cheek quickly before running away to help his dad unload the truck. "C'mon girls let's help" I instructed following behind carl.


"Carl" I heard a rough voice from the door way of the cell, and felt a body move from under me. I moved my position to get comfortable and carl muttered, "what?" raspily. "Hershel and I need your help." "Right now? I'm kind of occupied" "I'll give you a little more time. but we have to leave soon." I heard the footsteps fade away. He shuffled around and I tightened my grip on his torso. "no" I whine "stay." I pout looking up at him. he rolled his blue eyes playfully and laid back down, wrapping his strong arms around me. He played with the loose strand of my hair and nudged my forehead with his nose lightly. Lulling me to sleep, once again.


Carl and I woke up to pillows slamming onto our faces.
The two of us sprung up, shocked expressions on our faces which soon turned to angry and confused.
Giggles were heard from the hallway, they belonged to none other than Mika and Lizzie.

"girls." I call out. The two walked into the cell laughing, then stop completely. covering their eyes and giggling once again when blushes rose to their cheeks. "what?" carl asked from beside me. "You're shirtless" Mika laughed.

I turned my head and indeed, Carl was shirtless. I giggled as well and he leaned behind me and picked a shirt up from the ground and threw it over his head. "alright well I gotta go" I smiled when he winked, exiting the room. "what's up girls?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest, a small smile on my lips. "we're bored." I rolled my eyes and jumped out of bed and follow them into the main room of the cell block.


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