16 || i promise

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-Tori's POV-


Carol and I were washing clothes before she broke the silence "so, you and carl? how's that working out" she asked quietly, she's always been a quiet, strong woman ad I trusted and respected her. I had no reason not to.

"yeah. it's going wonderfully." I breathed, thinking of the blue eyed boy. "good. after lori," she paused and sighed heavily. "he needs someone like you, to keep him grounded. Something he can love and take care of." she said and looked up at me from the shirt she was washing. "Well he's doing a good job at that, that's for sure." A blush rose to my cheeks and I scrubbed Beth's purple plaid shirt. "He sure is. I've never seen that boy look at anything the way he does you. and that says something because I've known him since he was a little boy." she looked over at me and nodded "I really hope you two hold onto each other and don't get separated, I don't want one of you losing the other and giving up." she spoke seriously and I nodded "you can count on it, we hardly leave each others side and he checks on me like every hour" I smiled and just as I said that his eyes met mine from the doorway.

"see" I laughed along with carol. "talking about me?" he smirked and jogged up the stairs, past us and into the cell. "all good things" carol added. he emerged from the doorway, the smirk still in his face. "I'd hope my girlfriend doesn't talk bad about me" he joked and stepped forward, coming closer to me. he kissed the corner of my mouth before saying "I'll see you tonight, I'm going on a run" "promise you'll be careful?" He nodded "I promise" he said,

I never liked when he left without me, he leaves more than I like and we've been dating 3 months. "I love you" I said softly and hugged his torso. He kissed my hair and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I love you" he replied softly. "Ready carl?" michonne asked from the doorway of cell block C. "yeah. one sec. I'll be out in the car in like 1 minute" he promised. she hesitantly turned and left, along with carol.

"Seriously, promise me you won't get hurt on this stupid run and come back so you can kiss me whenever I want you to?" I spoke softly placing my forehead against his and closing my eyes. "I promise." He kissed my lips, smiling "I promise" again "I promise" again "I promise" again, he kissed me "I promise" he kissed me hard the last time before leaving a kiss on my forehead and leaving.


It was dark out by the time I heard a car pull up to the prison. my heart skipped a beat as I ran to open the gate. I pushed it open and they pulled up. The doors opened and carl had blood on his face and arms. "oh thank god" I said and ran toward him. "are you hurt? what happened?" I panicked. "nothing I'm fine" he said and pulled me in for a hug. I sighed in content and kept a firm grip around his neck. "I was so worried" I whispered. "don't be" he replied and kissed my cheek. "let's get inside" rick said firmly, looking at carl and I hard.

Carl glared back and moved in front of me, blocking ricks view of me. we all walked back into the cell block and looked at rick waiting to explain what happened and why they had bruises. "the governor attacked us, we got away but he did get carl at one point and mentioned something about tori" he looked me in a way I've never seen before. it was cold.

Carl's grip tightened on me.

"what'd he say?" I asked. "I don't know, tori why don't you tell the group here what went on with you and him." He spat. "don't talk to her that way" carl snapped, I sighed and looked at my feet. "My family knew Philip. he was a good guy, had a wife, a kid, her name was penny, his daughter. after the world went to shit he lost it, his daughter was bit after his wife died and he couldn't cope. he started Woodbury and I didn't want to be there, neither did my parents" my heart clenched and a tear slipped down my cheek. "they were about to leave with me but Philip took them somewhere and brought a walker into the room and killed them, I slipped out of the handcuffs and left unnoticed while he was 'taking care of them' and I found you all" I finished. Daryl looked down then at his crossbow and to rick. "I'm not on his side if that's what you think is happening." I said again and everyone looked from me to rick. "What're we gon' do?" Daryl spoke up. "Well I'm not sure we can trust her anymore." rick sneered, I frowned. "dammit dad" carl yelled "she just said she wasn't on his team and told us everything, stop being such a fucking dick and think." he snapped "carl, don't talk to him that way" Beth scolded "well he said it wasn't a democracy anymore, act like a leader" he replied and ran to our cell. I hesitantly called after him.


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