22 || always

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-Tori's POV-


"She hates me" I cried as I paced back and forth in carl and my cell. "calm down, it's not good for the baby" carl soothed softly pulling me onto the bed with him. I groaned loudly and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you, she's just confused. she doesn't know what's happening" he said softly and kissed the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled my legs onto he bed and wrapped them around his waist. he pulled me onto his lap and I rested my head on his shoulder. I pecked his necks and drew designs on his chest. "I love you" I whispered "and I love you" carl responded.


I walked into the kitchen with carl behind me and my eyes immediately landed on Mika. I motioned her over and she did, hesitantly. "I think the three of us need to talk" I said, running my hand through her blonde hair. she nodded and I led her and my boyfriend into our cell. she sat on our bed while carl and I sat on the bench. "so like we told you.." I paused to take a deep breathe. "we are having a baby. then you ran off. we wanted to know why? were you upset, confused, mad?" I finished. "I'm confused" she confessed. "well what are you confused about?" I asked "what is happening. why are you guys so young and having a baby?" she asked. "well, honey, carl and I love each other, and when people are in love they want a child." i told her and she nodded "I guess"

I nodded and took a deep breathe. "okay, you can go play now." I told her and once she ran off I turned to carl. "You did this to me" I growled and he put his hands up in defeat.


I was really happy that Mika wasn't upset with me and understood everything that was happening, I couldn't bring a baby into this world knowing she was upset with me.

"Do you think the baby will make it?" I asked carl. "yeah, I do. I think that we'll have this baby and love it and we'll try and live as happy as we can" he answered and smiled at me.

And that's all I needed to hear. he was there for me and always would be.

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