30 || another addition

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3rd person


"What's up?" carl greeted once he came into view. tori kept the serious look on her face present and he knew this was serious "Mika, called me mom." she said after a long pause. his shoulders slouched visibly and a confused look crossed his clear face "you- uh. She called you mom?" Tori shrugged and continued to admire her only child.

Don't get the wrong idea, she wanted Mika as part of her family but carl was her family. "well what are you gonna do about it, she's not our child" he questioned and nervously fiddled with his fingers, "I know she's not. but she wants to be. she loves you and I like parents and she's only eight." tori cried and moved forward to hug carl who, without a second thought, wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as physically possible. "I don't know what to do, carl. I'm struggling with belle and you for Christ sakes, but she's old enough to know to take care of herself. hopefully" she sighed and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "why don't we talk to the rest of the group about this" he promised and tori nodded, moving away, hesitantly and sitting back down on the bed to get ready for some much needed sleep.

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