17 || thick skull

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-Tori's POV-


"Don't" rick ordered, standing infront of me. "y'know what rick, you need to let me by so I can check on my boyfriend. He's upset because of you, not me and you won't make him feel better, I've earned my place here and I'll say it one more time so it'll get through that thick skull of yours. I'm. not. with. the. governor. he killed my parents and I ran away. " I spat, his eyes widened and silence filled the air. Daryl chuckled. I pushed rick out of the way and ran to carl.

he turned to me and opened his arms, I fell into warm embrace and buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry he talked to you like that" he muttered. "I'm just sorry" I breathed


The next morning I woke up with carl still asleep next to me. I sighed and untangled our legs to get out of bed. "get up!" rick yelled from downstairs. A growl left my lips and I glared at the doorway "calm down" carl soothed, not opening his eyes and kissing my forehead. "He's going to kick me out" I muttered "then he'll kick me out too" carl said and I shook my head. "get down here, both of you" rick called again

Carl got up, pulling me along. I grasped his hand tightly and trailed behind him. rick turned to us when we walked through the doorway and sat next to Hershel on the bench, me on carls lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. rick held a hard gaze on us before his eyes softened when he saw our actions. our hands were laced, simple kisses, my head on his shoulder.

He looked away and sighed "I want you gone but I can't do that as long as Carl is around because as Daryl says he's 'like a dog protecting its territory' which is true but," everyone laughed lightly and carl blushed. "-but I also think you can help. you know the governors weaknesses and can help us if we need it. As long as you're on our side and are telling the truth." He finished "I told you that I'm on your side, rick. I'm not going to say it again. I'll tell you everything I know but you need to trust me. and Daryl," I turned to Daryl who was eating oatmeal on the staircase. "that is the most accurate thing I've ever heard in my life" I laughed "then it's settled, everyone get to work" rick ordered and I hopped off carls lap to help carol with the dishes.


I collected all the dirty dishes from breakfast and carl walked through the door fully dressed and adjusted his holster. "ill be back in a bit, you'll be okay?" he asked "I'll be fine" I smiled reassuringly and he kissed my cheek "alright"


one week later
"What're you doing?" I asked carl who has his back turned to me and held Judith in his arms. "trying to make her stop crying, help" he pleaded, chuckling, I took her from him. "shh" I soothed and her cries got quieter."its okay, shh" I whispered and kissed her forehead "her bottle" I said and he handed me her formula. "thank you" I said quietly. "how do you do it?" he asked out of nowhere. "do what?" I asked and turned to him "you're amazing with kids, were great with Mika and lizzie, everyone loves you like family and you're a perfect girlfriend, how do you do it?" he asked with bright eyes. i giggled, shrugging my shoulders. "thank you, that means a lot. I don't know how I do it" I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "hey, guess what?" I asked placing Judith in her crib. "what?" he asked and locked his arms around my waist. "I love you" I smiled and he returned the favour. "I love you too"

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