43 || a bad day

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By the next morning carl was in a rush to leave when rick yelled for his help with something. he rushed to put on clothes, tripping over his own feet in the process. tori rolled her eyes at him.

He left for about ten seconds before rushing back into the room to kiss her lips unexpectedly, saying "i love you. bye"

She laughed at her boyfriend before getting out of bed and dressed herself. preparing for the long day ahead of her.

She pulled her shirt over her head and walked out of the cell with belle on her arm.


humming a tune as she walked down the hall, tori repositioned belle on her hip and continued into the court yard where she saw carl digging a hole near the graves, Tori's heart beat fast when she saw him. a lot of admiration circling her features.

she calmly carried belle to carl and cleared her throat to get his attention.

carl turned and his face pailed "who" she choked "um," he stuttered, jumping out of the hole to take her hands in his, setting belle on the ground for a moment "I don't know how to tell you this but uh-" he swallowed, not wanting to tell his girlfriend that one of her friends was murdered by their competition "patrick was taken by the governor and, he uh- he didn't make it" he apologetically looked at her.

she dropped his hands, moving them to her mouth as tears flooded her vision "carl" she sobbed and he took her into his arms and held her shaky body close, whispering comforting words to her.

while she was crying on his shoulder daryl ran down and took belle so she could have her moment. carl hated when she cried. but who does like it when the love of their life is sobbing?

tori didn't like when other people saw her cry. so she burried her face in carls neck and clutched his plaid shirt in her tiny hands. "it's okay baby" he whispered, kissing the top of her head as he did his best to comfort the heart broken girl "he was so innocent" she choked out " i know, i know baby" he said and ran a hand through her hair, just the way she liked.

"what's going on here?" toris dad asked, coming closer to the two as carl gave him a warning look. "tori" her father said, moving his hand forward to place it on her shoulder but she jerked away "don't touch me" she ordered, looking at him with red andf puffy eyes. "tori. what is wrong?" he snapped, rudely. Carl was done with his bullshit just about now and his girlfriend was upset and he was making it worse.

"enough." carl ordered, his voice dangerously low.
"That's enough. I do not want you bothering tori anymore. you do not control what she does and you sure as hell don't control what we do so why don't you go back to being a prick somewhere else."
Tori's father, glared at carl before walking away in defeat. carl scowled and tori cried.


Later that day when carl had moved them into the prison and let her sit down and catch her breath, that didn't work too well considering she just crawled into his lap again.

she didn't know why patricks death was so important to her. sure he was tori's friend but recently, since she was a mom, they hadn't really hung out. well not alone at least. she always had either carl or belle attached to her hip. She knew patrick loved her, as a friend of course, but she still wished she could have done something to change the way he died or known the last thing that ran through his creative mind. he was a good person and didn't deserve to live in a world like this.

she swept the tears off her face and lifted her head off carls chest, sniffly in the process. "baby" carl whispered, trying to get her to talk to him. her eyes wandered around the room before they widened in horor "where's belle" she panicked, standing quickly "daryl has her. she's fine." he explained and she sighed, feeling the weight get lifted off her shoulders.

daryl was just like a dad to her. more of a dad than her actual father ever would be. so daryl having belle wasn't an issue. she trusted him with her life, and belle was her life.

"good," she said, letting out a sigh, again, before sitting next to carl. "i think i've cried out all the fluids in my body." she said and let out a pathetic laugh. carl chuckled though, kissing her temple as though that would say anything that she needed him to.


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