27 || family

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-Tori's POV-


To be honest I don't think I'll ever get my baby back, rick had been sitting on the staircase with her for like an hour while carl and I worked in the kitchen or yard.

"Going soft on me, grimes" Daryl joked and smiled faintly at me. "how could I not, my son has got a baby" he said and kissed her forehead. "She's almost a month, rick, you just noticed?" I grinned and winked at Daryl.

Rick chuckled in response and carl came into the room. he swerved around the table and kissed my cheek. "hey baby, my other baby" he greeted, smiling at me then pointing at belle. "dad, I think it's lunch time" carl hinted and took her from rick. "Right. well I better take watch." He left the room, leaving me, Daryl, carl and belle. "Why'd you do that? he was enjoying her company" I scolded and he shrugged. "just thought it was a little rude"

My mouth fell open in utter disgust "how was that rude, you were the one being rude" I sneer and say belle in her crib "what's your problem," he snapped "all he's done since we had her was completely ignore her."

"Did it ever cross your mind that he might be jealous" I exclaimed and heard Daryl leave "what does he have that I don't"

"A family, carl. You and Judith are all he has and you've started your own family" he opened his mouth to speak but closed it again "whatever, I have to feed belle" I picked her up again and carried her into my cell.

I hate fighting with him but he's being a total prick to his dad.

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