31 || an agreement

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-Tori's POV-


Swiftly picking up belle when I walked into the dining area, I saw everyone there. "who's on watch?" I asked and carl made his way over to us "patrick" rick mumbled

"Morning" carl murmured, pressing a kiss to my temple and pulling me to his side. "so, we were talking about Mika" rick hinted and I sighed "about what she wants or just her in general?" I asked "what she wants"

"Oh, ok" I mumbled "well what do you all think we should do?"

"Whatever feels right. She needs someone to take care of her. but you two have enough to take care of with this little munchkin" carol spoke for the group and murmurs of agreements were exchanged "she can't be on her own. she needs to feel comfortable with someone here. she just lost the last of her family" Hershel said and I nodded. "we'll think about it, thank you for sharing you opinions" I smiled weakly before moving to get breakfast and to feed belle.

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