60 || the exception.

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This is a very brief chapter I'm sorry I think this is the last chapter besides a concluding chapter and epilogue


The group had left and carls eye color had turned a million shades darker. his body language changed as did his attitude. tori and belle were an exception though. having a beautiful girlfriend was hard enough to ignore but when you also had a beautiful daughter, things were a little different. He and Tori worked in the garden.

Belle was playing on a blanket with a few toys, wearing a cute little onesie with her dark red hair pulled up into a pony tale above her head. She looked absolutely adorable and tori physically couldn't stop stealing glances at her.

"I do not like her being this far away from me." tori said out load, warily taking a look at the walkers pounding on the ten foot chain-linked walls. "She's literally right in front of you. nothing will happen." carl laughed, running his thumb over the exposed skin on the small of her back. a shiver ran up Tori's spine at carls actions and she unwillingly closed her eyes.

"Well you're not a mother. So you wouldn't understand." Tori let out breathily. "yeah but I'm a father."
Even after almost a year, carl still couldn't process the fact that he had a little baby girl. it was insane and he had grown up so much in only four years of the apocalypse. Tori and carl had been dating for maybe two years now. no one knew the exact date they officially got together but it was around their two year anniversary currently. even that was incredible. carl had kept a relationship going for two years. that's basically the definition of insanity, and carl knew it too. All he could ever think of was tori and belle and he loved that. Nothing else mattered in his world and the same goes for tori. they were both undyingly in love with each other and their baby.

Nothing could change that.

One month later
Everyone let out a breath of air they had been holding when the group returned. and in that one month they were gone, carl was okay, he took responsibility around the prison, he took care of everyone and was an amazing dad and boyfriend as always.

When rick and the group was gone, he came to realise that he didn't need rick to survive. he could on his own, with tori and belle.

They were a family, a dysfunctional, screwed up, big, happy family.
And neither Toro or Carl would change a thing about that.

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