24 || annabelle

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-Tori's POV-


I was nine months, you know what that means.

I was ready to pop and not looking forward to it. "My feet hurt so bad" I groan and carol sent a sympathetic smile my way. "I know how you feel. except I wasn't sixteen when I got pregnant, I was twenty nine." she reasoned "yeah well, what're you gonna do" I shrugged and balanced the cup on my stomach. "Perks of being a fat ass pregnant girl" I joked and the door slammed open, where carl and rick walked in, looking flustered. "what's wrong with you two?" I asked and stood (which took like four tries) "we got a over load on the fences, carol, we need you" rick rushed and the two ran out, leaving carl with me. "is everything okay?" I panicked "everything and everyone is fine, we just had an overload" he assured me.

I nodded and plopped back down on the bench.

I sat the cup back on my stomach and watched it intently.

"what are you doing" carl questioned and moved the hair out of my face "watching this cup" "why?" "because there's nothing else to do" I said and he laughed, leaning down to kiss my cheek.


About a half an hour later rick came in and told us the fences were clear and all through that time i'd been having pains, sharp and longer each time. and they got relatively worse as time went on. "carol" I whined. she rushed over to me and in a hushed tone I asked her what was happening "i think your baby is coming. you're having contract-" she stopped short when a splashing sound echoed through the air "my water just broke" I whispered "Hershel, carl!" she called and carl bolted into the room.

He looked down and his face paled. "okay, come on, let's get you to a bed" Hershel coached when he got to the room. I walked over and sat down on the bed


It was painful, really painful, almost unbearable, it felt like I wasn't the one having the baby. my limbs came out of their sockets and it was an amazing experience. But I don't really want to do it again anytime soon.

Carl wiped the wet hair out of my face while Hershel cleaned up the baby, I still don't know what gender it is. "You did amazing, babe" he whispered and everyone crowded around us. "You did fantastic, tori" rick smiled and messed up carls hair. Hershel handed us our baby "it's a girl" he told us.

A grin found its way onto my face as I held my baby girl for the first time. "What do you want to name her?" I asked carl and looked up at him "I don't know, anything you like"

I thought about this a lot and can never decide

"belle" I smiled and looked at everyone else who we're smiling and nodding "belle needs to be fed, so everyone shoo" Hershel pushed everyone out, carl stayed.

The grin on my face was present while carl kissed my cheek and carol and Hershel smiled at us. "What's her middle name going to be?" I asked "Jane" no "rose" no-yes

I nodded and he smiled "belle rose grimes" I smiled at carl and wrapped my fingers around his.

"Ready?" Hershel asked, I nodded


i put belle in a onesie and held her delicate body in my arms, supporting her head as I did so. "do you want to hold her?" I asked whoever was sitting on the bench, I was exhausted. "I'll take her, you and carl can hardly keep your eyes open, get to sleep" it was Daryl

I nodded and thanked him while carl pulled me into our room.


I woke up to my baby wailing. a whimper left my lips and I sat up, moving to pick her up from the crib. "its okay, shh" I coached and kissed the top of her soft head. "I'm here" her cries got quieter and I sat on the bed with carl who was rubbing my back and I sat my head on his shoulder "let me take her" he said softly and I nodded sleepily

He took her from my grip and eventually stopped crying. he put her back in the crib and wrapped his legs and arms around me.

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