Chapter 23

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Mrs. Lassiter's POV

   The bell rings and the students leave, all but one when I call her name.  "Malaysia."  She turns around, a brow raised.

"Yeah, Ethena?"  "I want you.  Right now."  I lift her onto my desk, lustfully kissing her as she kisses me back.

Her legs wrap around my waist.  My hands cup her cheeks.

"HOLY SHIT!"  The voice at the door makes me jump off of Malaysia and we both look at the door in horror.

Malaysia's POV

Oh.  My fucking.  God.  Darian just caught Ethena and I kissing.  He starts running away. 

"No, no, no!"  I say, terrified.  I rush down from the desk and chase after him.

Boy, he is fast.

Eventually, I catch him.  He's breathing really heavy, damn near hyperventilating.

"Darian, Darian.  Look at me.  Calm down, and breathe."  He slowly does as I say.

"What the hell, Malaysia?!"  He says, lowly screaming.  "Look, I know, I know."

"I know you said you were seeing an older woman, but I didn't think you meant your TEACHER."

He looks bugged the fuck out.  "I know, I know. It all happened so fast, but...but I love her.  And she loves me, too."

"Do you know how much trouble y'all could get into?"  "We know.  It's risky.  And that's exactly why you're not gonna say anything."

"I-"  "Come on, Darian.  Please?,"  I plead with my eyes.  "I've never felt this way before.  She makes me feel everything.  She took me in when my grandma died.  Please, Darian?  Please?"

He sighs.  "Fine, Lay, but only for you."  I smile brightly.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"  I hug him tight.  "We're definitely talking about this."


"So, how did you bag Mrs. Lassiter anyway?"  Darian says.  We're sitting in his room, on his bed.

"Well, she actually was interested in me for awhile."  "She likes girls?"  "Yep.  She's a lesbian."

"But wait.  How can she be a lesbian when she's married to a dude?"  "She hasn't done anything with Mr. Lassiter in years.  It's actually an issue for them.  Well, him anyway."

"But what about Jacob?"  "What about him?"  "Aren't they, like, a family?"  "She's only in the marriage for Jacob.  She doesn't want him to go through the feeling of having divorced parents, especially at a young age."

"And you're just ok with all this?"  "Yeah,"  I nod my head nonchalantly.  "Ethena loves me, and I love her.  She doesn't care about Mr. Lassiter in the slightest.  I wish he would see that.  Now, it would be different if she did, but she simply....doesn't.  Honestly, I don't see why he hasn't filed for divorce yet.  He's either in it for Jacob, or he really loves her and wants to make it work."

"How did this all start?"  "Well, she asked me to be her babysitter.  Of course you know I said yes.  One day, I came over, and I vented to her about how you ditching me for Veronica made me feel.  She was comforting me, y'know, holding me and stuff, and after that, she kissed me.  It actually kinda felt good to do, but I was so shocked and taken aback.  I freaked out and hightailed it out of there."

"You're telling me!  I'm still reeling from all this.  Have you guys.....had sex?" 

"Mhm."  I say, nodding my head.  His jaw drops immediately at the admission.

"You've never even done that with a boy before.  So, you mean to tell me your lesbian teacher took your virginity?"

"Hell yeah, but I gave it to her.  It was good, too.  Maaan, that woman is wild."  I say enthusiastically, my eyes rolling.

"Wow.  You really got Mrs. Lassiter, the teacher all the boys are drooling over."  "Shocking to me, too, but I like it.  You promise you won't tell, right?"

"I promise."  We do our "I promise" handshake.  "Wait, so, Mr. Lassiter literally doesn't have a clue?"

"Nope.  Not one,"  I reply, shaking my head.  "I hope it stays that way."  "Y'know, it's kinda hot."  "What?"  "Two females hooking up."

"I know, right?  I actually.......think I'm a lesbian."

His jaw drops again, but even lower than before.  Guess he never thought he'd hear those words.  Hell, I never did either.

"Really, Lay?"  "Yeah.  I think of Ethena, then I think of boys.  Boys can't make me feel the way she makes me feel.  It's just not the same.  I know that if I were to continue with boys, I would just keep wanting something more, like chasing after the first amazing high the first time you do a hard drug.  It just wouldn't work."

"Wow, Lay.  You really have changed.  Since when did you become this bad girl?"  "Since I was turned out by my teacher."  I laugh, making him laugh as well.

"Well, thank you for coming out to me.  Means a lot that you trusted me with that."  "Of course, Darian.  You're my best friend."

We hug.  I'm grateful for a best friend like Darian.


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