Chapter 51

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Malaysia's POV

   Ethena and I are back from our vacation.  It was a blast!  We even went to Aquaventure Waterpark, went snuba diving, fed the iguanas, went for a powerboat ride, went kayaking, and so much more!

I wish we could've stayed, because right now, her and Ron are arguing in the dining room as I'm watching TV.  Good thing Jacob is at his aunt's house.

"You went off for a week, Ethena!  Didn't know where the fuck you were!"

So I'm assuming she didn't tell him that we went on a vacation to the Bahamas.  Oof.

"Why is it a big issue?!  You act like I was out fucking some nigga."  Right.  She was fucking me.  "You could've been.  I don't know!  That's the whole fucking problem!  I didn't know."

You'd think a couple that argues this much would want a divorce.  Well, she does, but you'd think he'd want one, too.

"I'm your wife, not your secret agent.  I don't have to tell you every single thing I do.  I'm a grown ass woman, and you should respect my privacy.  Clearly, you don't trust me."

"What?  I-I do trust you."  "No you don't, Ron.  You literally just said I could've been out fucking another dude.  Where's the trust in that?"

He's left speechless, looking for something else to say.

"Look, maybe we just need to talk to our counselor."  He says.  "Our counselor?  All she's gonna tell you is what I'm telling you right now, and you're not gonna do anything about it.  You're not gonna change the fact that you don't trust me, so what good is it gonna do?"

"Look, I don't want this to be another failed counseling attempt.  I'm trying to make our marriage better and rebuild our connection."

Doesn't he mean fix his marriage?  It's pretty broken. 

Mrs. Lassiter's POV

Ron, the word you're looking for is "fix", because this marriage is too damn broken.  I wanna tell him that there's no point in going to the damn counselor anymore.  I wanna tell him that our marriage can't be fixed, and that I don't love him anymore.  I wanna tell him that there is no more connection between us and that I lost it a long time ago.

At this point, he's not even just beating a dead horse.  The horse is a ghost.

I wanna ask him, "Ron, why do you even stay with me?"  So many dudes would've asked for a divorce as soon as we stopped having sex, yet he still decides to stay with me.

"Ethena, you love me, don't you?"  "Yes."  I respond, looking away from him.  No.  Not in the slightest.  "So work with me to keep what we have."

What do we have?  I don't love you, you don't trust me, and I feel trapped in our marriage.  Honestly, what the fuck is this?  It's a shit show.

"Ron,"  I sigh.  "I'm tired.  I'm going to bed."  I start going up the stairs.  "So you're just gonna try to walk away from our conversation?  I'm talking with you, Ethena."  He says, following behind me.  He continues to speak, but honestly, I don't even hear what he's saying anymore.

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