Chapter 28

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Mrs. Lassiter's POV

   Ron is away, camping with his friends, and I thank God for it.  Is it bad to hope he gets mauled by a bear?  Or two?

Malaysia and I just got done playing with Jacob.  He was getting sleepy, so she put him to bed.

We're on the couch together, just cuddled up.  Of course she's cuddled up to me and not the other way around.

"I really can't thank you enough for my birthday.  The party was awesome.  So was the car, and the sex.  I can tell you really put a lot of thought into it, Ethena."

"It's no problem, Baby Girl,"  I kiss her on her forehead.  "I really did, because I wanted it to be special for you.  You've been through a lot, and I couldn't let you not do anything for your birthday.  I know how much you love it, and it's the first one without your grandma, Lord, bless the dead, so I had to do something for you."

"You really are the best girlfriend anyone can have."  I smile.  "Aw, shucks.  Thanks, Baby.  And I really want you to know that you are not a side piece.  If anything, Ron's the side piece, and I don't even do anything with him."

"I know."  She smiles.  "Good,"  I smile back.  "I just never want you to feel like Ron is more important than you, because he's not.  He's not important to me at all."

"I know I'll always be your number one.  Speaking of numbers, I can't wait to do something for the day yours goes up."

"My 26th birthday?  I don't really care about it."  "Really?  Why not?"  "It's just another day for me.  Once you've been an adult enough, you just don't care anymore."

"Nah, I think I'll be different.  I'll always want to celebrate my birthday."

"Well now I have to top it every year.  Thanks for that."  She laughs at my joke, me laughing as well.

"I'm expecting Cirque du Soleil by 23."  She jokes as well, making us laugh even further.

A few moments of silence go by, her tapping her fingers on my collarbone.  "You don't look 25."  She says, breaking the silence.

"Really?"  I smile.  "Not at all.  You look 21."  "Aw, thanks, Baby."  "Of course, Mommy.  You have great skin, a nice body.  A bangin' one, at that.  Very curvaceous.  You have sort of a younger face.  I would love to know your skincare routine.  You're gonna age so well."

I'm gushing from all the compliments.  "Oh stop iiiiiiit.  I'm already old."  "Ma'am, you are legit 25 looking like you're still in college.  You've had a whole child, and it doesn't even look like it.  Plus, you're literally still young.  You're not even 30 yet, and even that's still young."

"Girl, 30 is middle-aged, because apparently, Americans don't last as long as other people do."

"Doesn't mean you wouldn't still be young.  And you know what they say, you're only as young as you feel!"  She says, sounding like an old dude.

I laugh at her.  "You really are a trip."  "And I fell into you,"  We stare into each other's eyes before passionately kissing.  "How old do you feel anyway?"

"Well, you make me feel like I'm 18 again.  We always have a great time together, and I always get this giddy feeling when I'm around you."

"I love you."  "I love you, too, Love Bug.  But Ron.....he makes me feel like I'm 80 and have been unhappy for 60 years."

"How long have you guys been together?"  "Since I was 16.  It was a "high school sweethearts" kind of thing.  I'm 25 now, so 9 years."

"Wow.  That's a long time to be with someone.  Have you always been unhappy?"

"No, not always.  I haven't had sex with Ron since I was 22, that's when I discovered I'm lesbian...........I was probably happy with him before that."

"If it helps, I've discovered I'm lesbian, too."  "Really?"  I say, sounding shocked but still casual.

"Yep."  She happily nods.  "What made that happen?"  "You, silly.  You've shown me things no one else has before.  You push me to be better.  You make me feel a way no dude ever could.  And, honestly, I don't think I could ever get that with any other woman.  I just want you.  You, and only you."

I hungrily attach my lips to hers, tonguing her down and initiating a little recap of her birthday night.

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