Chapter 35

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Ethena's POV

   I'm standing over Ron, arms folded over my chest, looking down at the human embodiment of the clown emoji, hating his face.

His eyes finally start opening.  "Wake yo ass up, nigga."

Once he's awake enough, he stands up.  "Time to go back to the hotel."  I say.

"Ethena, please just let me see my son."  "No.  You need to go back to the hotel where you belong, getting drunk, and traumatizing our son."

"So now I can't even stay to see him?!"  "No.  Hell no.  You've made an absolute ass out of yourself, and now you have to live with it."

"You know what's really traumatizing him?"  "What?"  "His mom not letting him see his dad!  Every boy needs his father!"

"Well did you maybe stop to think that if his dad wasn't such an ass, this wouldn't be happening?"

"This is why my mom thinks so lowly of you!  She thinks you're cheating on me!  She thinks you're a lesbian!"

"FUCK your mom!  Do you really think I give a shit what she thinks?  Let me let you in on little secret,"  I say condescendingly.  "I've never liked your mom.  She's always in somebody else's business instead of minding the business that pays her, like she needs to do.  She's that nosy ass neighbor that always has the fucked up blinds from peeking too much."

He's speechless, his mouth wide open.  "And you know what, I'm just realizing how much of a homophobic piece of shit you are.  So being a lesbian is being low?  What kind of world are you living in?  Is that why you don't like Malaysia?,"  I tauntingly smirk.  "Is it because she's lesbian?"

"I'm not homophobic!  I don't care what people do!"  I roll my eyes.  "Yeah, ok, whatever, Ron."

He screams before storming out of the house.

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