Chapter 55

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Ron's POV

   The woman I met at the mall is driving me around in her car.  This car is so awesome.  It's sexy.

"I didn't catch your name, by the way."  I say to her.  "It's Lena."  She smiles.  "That's a really pretty name."

"Aw, thank you."  "No problem."  I smile.  It seems like Lena's always smiling when she's with me.

"So, are you single?"  Wow, I really wasn't expecting her to ask me that.  "No.  I'm actually married."

"Damn.  What a shame.  You're quite handsome."  I feel myself blush.  "R-Really?  Thank you.  I don't hear that anymore."

"Of course.  Your wife doesn't tell you that you're handsome?"  "Not in the slightest.  Look, I don't wanna dump all my marital problems on you.  I don't wanna be a burden.  That's what we have a counselor for."

"No, it's fine.  I wanna know.  I'm actually curious, and we should get to know each other, so it'll help."

I sigh.  "Well....ok.  My wife doesn't do much of anything regarding me anymore.  We haven't had sex in years."

Her eyes get big.  "Wow.  That's a long time to be sex deprived."  I run my hand through my hair.  "Trust me, I know.  She would always say that she's tired, so I just stopped trying."

"I can tell you're a good man, Ron.  You deserved to be touched."  "I really appreciate that.  She doesn't compliment me anymore, she doesn't let me touch her at all, we rarely ever spend quality time together."

"Do you think she's cheating on you?,"  She says, raising a brow.  "I know that when a woman stops putting in effort she either doesn't feel it anymore or there's someone else.  A woman knows another woman."

"She says she isn't.  Every time I bring up the possibility, she says that I don't trust her.  I know she wouldn't do that to me, but sometimes, things just seem......weird."

"Weird how?"  "Well, one time, I found a pair of orange lace underwear in our bed."  "So?"  "She doesn't wear the color orange."

"Continue."  "She left for a week and didn't tell me where she went.  She just left a note and bolted."

"Yeah, that's hella weird.  One would question it."  "Thank you!  She said that she's not my secret agent and doesn't have to report back to me, but it's suspicious!  I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that way."

"Are these your only issues?"  "One big pain in the ass is our babysitter.  It seems like she's the only thing she cares about."

"How so?"  "She took her on our vacation.  Then, she told her she could live with us.  Now she's our in-home babysitter.  She cooks for her.  They spend a lot of time together.  Hell, it's like she's married to her and not me."

"Do you think she could be cheating on you with a woman?"  "Part of me thinks that that is the craziest thing ever, she's straight, but the other part of me thinks anything is possible.  It would explain the orange underwear."

"Does she know how you feel about the babysitter?"  "Yeah, but she just doesn't care.  One time, when I was about to leave the house to stay in a hotel, she chose her over me and told her I'll go through Hell and high water before she leaves."

"She seems to care a lot about her staying there.  Why is that?"  "Well, her grandmother died and she had nowhere else to go."

"So it was really an act of kindness?"  "I guess so."  "How old is this girl?"  "Eighteen.  She was seventeen when she moved in."

"Well, I think you shouldn't be so jealous when it comes to the babysitter.  Your wife was just doing a good deed.  She definitely should've consulted with you first, though."

"She never does anymore.  She just makes all the decisions like she's the only one in the marriage."

"Do you still love her?"  "Of course.  If I didn't, I would've divorced her.  Marriage is about sticking with each other through thick and thin.  It's about loving each other, no matter what you're going through.  I can't just give up on her like that."

"Does she even tell you that she loves you?"  "...........No."

She sighs, closing her eyes.  "I know you don't wanna hear this, but,"  Her eyes open, looking directly into mine.  "I don't think...she loves you anymore."

Tears start to form in my eyes.  "Look,"  She says.  "I know you love her, but you have to let her go.  If she loves you, she'll come back, but if she doesn't, then it's her loss and you have to move on.  It seems like there's somebody else.  She's probably already moved on emotionally with them.  I know we don't really know each other, but you're a nice man, and you deserve for someone to be real with you."

She puts her hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

Could she be right?  Is Ethena cheating on me?

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