Chapter 48

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Malaysia's POV

Ethena and I are cuddling, her in my arms as I play with her hair. "Oo, Malaysia, I don't know what's gotten into you, but I love it." She says, smiling up at me.

"You're just so sexy to me, Ethena. I really wanted to let it out." "That's how you know I love you. I have sex with you. We make love together. I spend my time with you, nobody else."

"Do you wanna just stay in today? Skip the restaurant and the pigs?" "I don't think so, ma'am. We still have to take advantage of the day in this beautiful paradise of a place. Can you believe people here?"

"I know, right? Can we just live here instead?" She giggles at me.

Randomly, she slowly leans in, kissing my lips. "I love you, Malaysia. More than you could ever imagine. My life is with you. My everything is with you."

Ron's POV

"She just left for a week without your knowledge? Yeah. She's cheating on you." "Ma, how could you say that?" I respond through the phone.

"Oh my God, Ron, do you hear yourself? Do you hear how my question sounded? It's ob-vi-ous that she's cheating you. No one just up and leaves for a week for no reason."

"Stop it, Ma!" "Aye, I don't care how mad you are, you will NOT yell at me. I swear, it's like my son is so stupid sometimes. You're the only child I have, though, so I gotta work with what I got. Why can't you see the reality?"

"Ma......" "Accept that's she's cheating on you. The quicker you acknowledge and accept it, the quicker you can move on from it. I say this as your mother. As someone that wants to see you happy in life. As someone that doesn't wanna see you hurt."

Tears start to roll down my face. I know Ethena isn't cheating on me, but the thought makes me cry.

"I gotta go, Ma....." I hang up the phone, my heart hurting.

Malaysia's POV

Ethena and I are at this restaurant called Arawak Cay. The food is really good. It's definitely different, and I appreciate it.

The women here are thick as fuck, but Ethena is all I need. "How's your food?" She questions.

"It's so good. Thanks so much for taking me on this vacation, Baby. I needed it." "Of course. We're gonna grow older someday, and we'll think back to the time we took this baecation." She says, smiling brightly.

"You're so poetic. I love it." We kiss each other briefly. "How does it feel to be with me?" She questions, sipping on her alcoholic beverage afterward.

"It's so amazing. You are the sweetest person I know. You're so sensual and loving. You're funny. We have such great chemistry. You're such a good lover and a good mother. Sometimes, it's like you're not even already in a relationship."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. I always want to be good to you, and show you that I really do care about you. I want to show you different things in life you've never seen before."

We continue to eat our food.


We waited awhile before swimming with the pigs. They're so cute!

I kiss one of the pigs' snout and make a pig noise. "Aw, Malaysia, this is so cute! Pose for a pic with it."

I pose with the pig, and it actually poses with me! She clicks the picture. "Ooooooo, lemme see!"

I try to run over to her. "It's so dope." I say. "You're such a cutie." She says, smiling at me. She pecks my lips.

We keep swimming with the pigs until we're ready to get out of the water.

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