Interviewing Lumina and Cynthia

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Faith: *sobbing inside the stages closet*

Angel: *comes in and senses faith crying* Faith?....are you there?.....sweetheart?

Faith: *stops sobbing and quickly gets up and runs to angel's arms*

Angel: *hugs her tightly* There, there's ok......everything's going to be alright *kisses her top head and sigh's*

Faith: *sobbing*..h-he........doesn't.......l-love me that w-way *sobs and sniffs*

Angel: Dear....when you love something so got to let it go.......and besides, your beautiful! nobody deserves your one.....and don't worry'll find your true mate soon wipes her tears away*

Faith: *stops crying*....thank you mother......*sniffs* And where's Alex?

Angel: He's coming. He grew up so fast *concerned look*

Faith: That's fine mom *smiles* I'm sure me and him will get along very well

Angel: Aww dear, i know you both will, and c'mon, i need to interview 2 more people *smiles and takes faith to the stage*

The Crowd: *Cheers and Claps*

Ness+TL: Angel! *run to angel and hug her* We missed you

Angel: I missed you to *hugs back and sits down*

Samus: Hello sweetheart, welcome back

Angel: Thank you mom, for everything *smiles*

Jocelyn: Here's your cards Angel *hands them to angel*

Angel: Thank you Jocelyn *looks around* Hey? where's Tiger?

Kayla: He left

Alissa: He hurt Faith!

Faith: It's fine *in a serious face* I'll be fine without him *sits down*

TL: Faith, i-i you need anything....i-i'm here for...y-you *slightly blushes*

Faith: *smiles kindly* Thank you Toon Link

Angel: *clears throat* Hello everyone welcome back to the show! I'll be interviewing 2 new guest which is....Lumima & Cynthia! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers and Claps*

Ness+Tl+Alissa+Jocelyn+Kayla+Aracel+Cody+Samus+Faith: *claps*

Lumina+Cynthia: *walk into the stage and sit next to Kayla*

Angel: Hello Cynthia, and Lumina. It's nice to have you 2 here *smiles* may I ask you a few questions?-

Alex: *comes in* Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late *walks Walls into the stage with an attractive smile*

Almost all of the girls: *mouth dripping and in awed*

Alex: *notices Cynthia and immediately stares at her in awestrucked* (Wooow...........she's beautifully beautiful)

Cynthia: *slightly blushes towards Alex* (Wooow.....he's handsomely cute....looking) *tries not to try to bite her lip*

Angel: *slightly smirks* Hello sweet pumpkin

Alex: *looks back at angel* Hey mom *hugs her and sits next to Cynthia* H-hi *smiles* I-m Alexander McCloud, nice to meet you *hands his hand over to Cynthia*

Cynthia: H-hi, I'm princess Cynthia Sapphire of Fire and Roses *accept his hand shake with a kind smile*

Random Girl: *squeals* can i have your number Alex?????

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