Roy The Chef (Dare)

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Angel: Hello Everyone!.....Today i have a requested Dare, from @Reefruff2! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers & Claps*

Cody+Samus+Tiger+TL+Fox: *claps*

Ness: *comes in and sits next to tl* Sorry i'm late guys *face all red and sits down*

Cody: What happen to you?

TL: Did someone kiss you? e_e.....

Ness: *blushes* Maybe :3

Angel: Good morning Ness *smiles*

Ness: Morning Princess *smiles*

Angel: I'm no longer a princess Ness, I'm a Queen now

Fox: Which makes me a King

Angel: *kisses fox*

Fox: *holds her and kisses her back*

Samus: What's the dare dear?

Angel: Roy has to work at a buffet but instead of a buffet, i set up over a mini kitchen over there *points in front of the crowd with a mini kitchen facing the crowd's direction*

Cody: So where is he?

Roy: *comes in* I'm here! *catches his breath*.....So why did you call me here again?

Angel: *points at the mini kitchen*

Kirby: *sitting next to tl*

Roy: Aww i have to cook?

Ness: Yes

Samus: It's today's dare Roy......don't mess it up.....

Angel: There's a cook book recipe on top of the stove, that would help you....

Roy: So i just make a simple dish? or-

Angel: You got to make a lot *shows the flashcards to Roy*

Roy: Aww.....*heads to the mini kitchen and starts cooking*

~34 minutes Later...

Roy: Done! *the whole mini table is full of food dish* It took me a lot of effort to make this!

Kirby: *Quickly sucks all the food on his mouth*

Roy: KIRBY!!! YOU LITTLE- *starts chasing kirby around the stage*

Kirby: AAHH! *screams*

Angel: Thanks for the dare! *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

Thank you all for reading! up next is another dare that the ssb girls have to do!

and like always,





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