Interviewing Pit

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Angel: Hello everyone welcome back to the show, Today we are having a Brawl Guest which is...Pit!

Pit: *Walks inside the stage as he waves to the crowd*

Angel: hello pit, it's good to have you here *smiles*

Pit: Thanks for inviting me Angel *grins*

Angel: Your welcome!.....*Clears throat* Pit? may i ask you a few questions?

Pit: Sure! go right ahead!

Angel: Ok, 1st question, Are you glad to see Lady Paluteina Confirmed on the new ssb4?

Pit: Why yes i am, im so glad she can join in!

Angel: i'm glad to!...2nd question, How are you and Nyssa?

Pit: Were great! thanks for asking

Angel: Your welcome, 3rd question...Do you think Dark pit will be confirmed as a clone on the new ssb4?

Pit: Geez i hope not, he only comes to crash everyone's party! and then having the same move sets at me?! uh huh! no way!

Angel: I see...ok, 4th question....As you were fighting link up in sky world...who won between you to? You or Link?

Pit: I would say...hmm..*thinks for a moment* it was a..tie? *shrugs*

Ness: Na, i think Lady Paluteina won

Pit: *sign*..yeah lady paluteina won.... -_-

Angel: *laughs* ok! thank you pit for coming! i hope to see again next time!

Ness: Thank you all for coming! see you all next time! *waves at the camera and at the crowd*

Pit+Angel: *Waves at the crowd and and at the camera*

The Crowd: *cheer,whistles and claps*

Thank you all for reading! and like always, Rate,Share, and Comment! :D


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