Interviewing Toon Link

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Angel: Hey Everyone! today imma interview my best friend which is.....Toon Link! *claps* And also, not to mention, he will also be a special guest! which means he will be staying here with us!

The Crowd: *cheers and claps*

Fox+Samus+Ness: *claps*

Toon Link (TL for short): *walks into the stage and sits next to angel*

Angel: Heeeyy!! toon! *hugs toon link* It's good to see you bestie! *smiles*

TL: *hugs angel back with a grin as his eyes are closed* Good to see you to! it's kind of been a while not seeing you

Ness: *winced at toon link*

Angel: I know right? *laughs* anyways! you'll be staying with me on the that ok with you?

TL: Sure! i love to! *grins*

Fox: So you to are best friends?

Angel+TL: Yes

Angel: Oh! and also Ness & Lucas *smiles at ness*

Ness: *Slightly tries not to blush* Yep!

Angel: *looks back toon link* so toon? may i ask you a few questions?

TL: *nods* Yeah sure!

Angel: Ok! *clears throat* 1st do you feel being confirmed on the new ssb4?

TL: It feels great! i knew sakurai will still put me as a playable character! he is a nice guy *smiles*

Angel: Yes he is, and i hope he puts Geno as a playable character as well, even though he's always busy doing stuff up in Star Road

TL: *nods* So?....umm it true that you had a big fight with Krystal?

Angel: Yes, but i took care of her already. I showed her not to mess with me nor my wonderful boyfriend *blushes*

Fox: Awww your so kind *winks at angel*

Ness: -_-....

Angel: *blushes* thanks! *looks back at samus* Hey mom?.....who are you texting? *turns head sideways*

Samus: *looks up from her phone* Oh!.....umm i'm texting Seighart dear

Angel: e_e......*huffs* Ok...i guess......

TL: *pats angel's back with a worried look*

Angel: *smiles* Thank you toon i needed that

TL: Your welcome ^_^

Ness: Hey Angel? think you can interview Claus next?

Angel: *looks at her flash cards* I can but i need to interview Seighart after toon, then yes. I can interview Claus ^_^

Ness: *starts to text Claus*

Angel: Ok! 2nd question....Who do you like?

TL: You *smiles*

Fox: AHEM! *glares*

Angel: As a friend right toon? O.O

TL: Yes *gulps as he sees fox glaring at him* .__.

Fox: *smirks* That's what i thought

Angel: Anyways! 3rd question......Do you think Tetra likes you?

TL: Yes. She told me she liked me the other day

Angel: And what did you tell her?

TL: I told her i was sorry, i don't like her back and she just stayed quiet and left

Angel: Poor Tetra :( .....toon! why would you tell her that! she's probably heart broken right now! :(

TL: I'm sorry but it's the truth, i only see her as a friend and i really don't want to date anybody right now.

Angel: Oh....ok....i see why you don't, and i understand *smiles*...*clears throat* Ok! last question.....Who inspires you the most?

TL: I would say my Adult Twin *smiles*

Ness: *looks up to see toon* You mean Link?

TL: Yes him

Ness: Oh....i thought you to hated each other

TL: Do you get that from the meme's from Google? or from other sites? O_o

Ness: Maybe

TL: *laughs* To be honest with you, we don't hate each other, we are good friends *smiles*

Ness: *nods* Good to know *continues to text on his phone*

Angel: Toon? would you like some coffee? or oreo cookies?

Ness: *eyes widen* Oreos?! where?! where?! *looks around*

TL: I love some! Mmm...

Angel: *laughs* I'll be right back *stands up and heads to the back stage*

Ness: I adore cookie oreos!!! mmmm!!! must eat some! :p

Angel: *comes back with 4 cups of coffee and with a pack of oreo bag on the side on a pink trait*

TL: *heart eyes* mmm....

Angel: Mom? would like some of my coffee?

Samus: Sure *gets a cup of coffee and drinks it*

Angel: Fox? *blushes*

Fox: *gets up and gets a coffee* *drinks it* mmm this coffee is very good *smiles and kisses angel on the cheek*

Angel: Thank you *smiles and hands toon and ness a cup of coffee* here you go guys

Ness+TL: *drink the coffee and gets 2 or 3 cookie oreos* Mmmm!

Fox: Angel? what about you?

Angel: Oh no, i'm good really *smiles*

Fox: Are you sure? you can drink some of my coffee if you like

Angel: *laughs* no it's ok really ^_^ *sits back down*

TL: Thanks for the coffee and cookies angel *smiles and takes a bite of a cookie oreo*

Ness: Yeah thanks Angel! this coffee is really good

Fox: Thank you Sweetie

Samus: Thank you Angel, how nice of you *smiles*

Angel: Your all very welcome *smiles* Well toon! thanks for coming and letting me interview you

TL: Your very welcome :)

Ness: Thank you all for coming! join us next time! bye! *waves and takes 5 more cookies*

Angel+Fox+Samus+TL: *waves at the crowd  and at the camera*

The Crowd: *claps and cheers*

Thank you all for reading! Up next is either Seihart or Claus from mother 3 :)

And like always, Rate,Share,Follow,And Comment! :D


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